Congratulations on Selling Your House Message


Congratulations on Selling Your House Message: House sales are a major decision for many people, and it is completely understandable if you feel a wide range of emotions. Now that you’ve agreed to sell your house and have officially begun the homeownership process, you may be feeling excited about your new home, sad about leaving your old one, anxious about possibly finding a new place to live or any number of other feelings.

Sellers often have complicated histories with their houses, and leaving a house behind can trigger strong emotional responses. The first step in selling your house is accepting that these negative emotions are there, and they’re normal. After all, you’re going to be losing an important part of your life. You may also feel excited to wrap up this chapter of your story and move forward with life!


Congratulations on Selling Your House Message

  • Congratulations on selling your house. My love to you and your husband. We had so many great times, good times, and happy memories. I will miss you always.


  • I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on selling your house! I understand if you would like me to keep your identity on the down-low but I figured since we had such a great experience with each other you wouldn’t mind telling me.


  • Congrats on selling your house! I am happy to hear that everything worked out and you are moving forward. I miss you too and hope that we will find a time to get together soon and catch up. Take care of yourself and let me know if there is anything I can do.


  • Congrats on selling your house. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy! I am so proud of you and all your hard work. I know how much this meant to you, so hope it brings you nothing but joy in the future. You deserve everything good that life has to offer!


  • Congratulations on selling your house message. There are so many other things that I could say but they would be long-winded and I feel like you already know them all. Your love has created something amazing.


  • CONGRATULATIONS on selling your house message Congratulations on closing the sale of your house. Your hard work and persistence finally paid off. I know you have been looking forward to updating your home, so now’s the time to pick out your next place.


  • I want to congratulate you on selling your house. I am sure it is a weight off your shoulders and I hope it was worth the wait!


  • I am so excited to hear you closed on your house today. I just wanted to thank you for always being so kind and friendly. I just love working with you!


  • You have my sincere best wishes in the sale of your property. I hope it goes through at an agreeable price and without any annoying complications. Best wishes as well for a happy and prosperous future.


  • I’m so excited to move houses! I just can’t wait to meet our new neighbors and have a yard for the first time. I’ve been working hard on packing and getting beds set up for our sweet pups.


  • Just a quick note to say, congratulations on selling your house message. Your positive outlook and sunny disposition are something to be striven for in all walks of life. You deserve it, keep up the good work.


  • Congratulations on selling your house! I’m happy for you. I bet there were a lot of emotional moments, but it will help you to get through this trying time. Good luck and all my love.


  • Just wanted to send you a quick message to congratulate you on selling your house. You did it! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait for us to move and start a new adventure. I’m sure the new neighbors will love you 🙂 Hopefully, we can get into our new home soon!


  • Congratulations also to you on selling the house. I never thought it would happen so quickly, but I know your hard work paid off. I can’t wait to see our future together in your new house. You deserve it!


  • Congrats on selling your house! I hope it’s everything you were looking for and I hope that you enjoy the next chapter in your life. Best wishes, Jillian


  • Congratulations on selling your house at such a high price. It must feel great to have the biggest payoff check you have ever received! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your next move!


  • We’re so glad you sold your house. We hope you will join us for a nice lunch on Tuesday to celebrate that milestone in your life. Your friend and coworker, John


  • I am so proud of you! I knew that you could do it; I always knew that you could. You are an amazing person and I am very lucky to call you a friend. Your dedication, determination, and hard work paid off for both of us! Congratulate yourself, you deserve it.


  • This is meant to congratulate you on selling your house. You’re making progress towards your financial goals. Way to go!


  • Congrats on your offer! We are so excited for you guys. You make an amazing team, and I know you will be happy in your new home. While my family is sad to see you go, we will always think about you as our neighbor.


  • Your house should be listed soon. I want to tell you how proud of you I am! I know it’s a struggle but it’s worth it. Things are looking up and I hope we can buy that new house soon.


  • I’m so glad you finally got that house sold. You’ve been trying for 5 years – I was beginning to think you didn’t want to move! But you finally did it! Congrats!


  • Congratulations on your new house to be! It’s always great when you get such a big and important purchase like this off your list! I always feel great and relieved when I do. You deserve it!


  • Congratulations! You sold your house. That’s excellent news, and the best part is, you did it without the help of a real estate agent!


  • We appreciate you choosing Beachfront Realty to sell your property. We are thrilled to be working with you.


  • Congrats on selling your house. I couldn’t be happier for you! I love you, my best friend, and am happy to be by your side through all of life’s craziness. You deserve this.


  • I just wanted to say congrats on selling your house. I was the first one that came in with an offer and wanted you to know how much I appreciate you taking my offer. you guys are awesome — I wish you the best and hope you continue to build more relationships with your new neighbors.


  • Congrats on selling your house. We’re very excited that you found a buyer quickly. Thanks again for listing with …


  • Best of luck to you on the sale of your house. I hope you are proud of what you have accomplished and are ready for your next exciting chapter!


  • I am happy for you that you sold your house so quickly. There must have been lots of interest in it.


  • Congratulations on selling your house! We wish you the best of luck and happiness in your new home. Love, Your Neighbors


  • Congrats on selling your house! I know we are friends on Facebook, but I wanted to do something special for you. You have been a very good client, with a lot of patience. It’s people like you who make our business so great. I hope to see you soon at the golf course.


  • Congratulations on selling your house! We are so happy for you. We love you guys and hope to see you soon.


  • We want you to know how thrilled and excited we are that you sold your house! We never thought it would sell so fast. We feel so lucky to have gotten it. We want you to come over anytime, I’ll make us a delicious meal, with the wine of course and we will all cheer to celebrate!


  • Glad to hear you sold your house! If you guys ever need a property manager for the condo, let me know! I’m happy to help! Let me know if there are any questions!


  • We always enjoy coming to your home for dinner, and I do not doubt that we will be frequent visitors once you get settled into your new place. Wish there were more houses for sale!


  • I want to take this time to say congratulations! You deserve a big hand for all you have done. The house was amazing and I would love to go back in time and live there again. Thanks for the best years of my life.


Congratulations on Selling Your Home Message From the Realtor

  • You rock! Congratulations on selling your home! I know how hard you worked on it, and I am so happy for you.


  • CONGRATULATIONS on selling your home! The most important aspect of the sale is to have a realtor work WITH YOU and not FOR YOU. Sean is an excellent family man and will work hard every day to ensure your dreams become a reality.


  • We have sold many homes over the years, but this was one of our favorites! Working with you was a wonderful experience. We are always glad to help and didn’t want this relationship to end. Thank you for the opportunity to show you your home and make new friends!


  • We are so happy that you found a buyer. It’s been great being your realtors, and I’m glad we could help you sell your house in this difficult housing market! I hope the family that bought it treats it as well as you did.


  • Congrats on selling your home, you did well. I’m proud of you and the sale of your home. I am excited to see all the fun decorating that you will be doing, and can’t wait to see where you will end up next.


  • Congratulations on selling your home! has always been the perfect fit for you and your family. You’ll find your new home easy with all of the same wonderful features ___ had, including a great neighborhood…


  • Congratulations on selling your home! We were happy to help you sell your home. We hope you are as successful finding your next home.


  • I am happy to hear that you have sold your home! You deserve this! You worked so hard and truly deserve the fruits of your labor. Congratulations! I hope that your new house is everything you wanted and even more! I wish you only the very best in the future.


  • Wishing you all the best on your new journey! Nothing prepares you for moving and life after selling your home. So congratulations, you’re off to a great start! I know this will be a wonderful new beginning for you and your family.


  • It was a pleasure assisting you in your home sale! I hope all is well and we wish you all the luck in the future. Thank you again for entrusting us in helping you with your sale.


  • Congratulations on your new home. We enjoy your home and all the hard work that you put into it. Your place is among the most homes we have seen lately and we are proud to offer it to other clients. It was a pleasure working with you on this contract as well.


  • It was great to meet you in person! I wish you the best of luck with your new home. Please stay in touch.


  • Great job on selling your house! I was really glad to hear you became homeowners. Let me know if you are looking for some referrals for new homes or selling advice.


  • Congratulations! We are extremely happy that your home sold so quickly and at a great price. We look forward to working with you on your next purchase/sale.


  • Congratulations on selling your home! Thank you for trusting me and letting me help you. I’m happy to help you with any real estate needs or questions that you may have. Call me anytime!


  • Congrats on selling your home! I am so happy that you found a buyer, they are going to love this place. It was great working with you, and I will keep your contact info so we can work together again.


  • The realtor who sold your home saw the note you left her in the house and wanted me to pass along her congrats. She said it was very sweet of you to thank her for buying you out when there were other potential buyers. Thanks for being so kind, I know she appreciated it.


  • Congrats on selling your home! Thank you again for allowing me to help with the sale! It’s always a pleasure working with you!


  • Congratulation on selling your home! As promised, here is a $500 gift card to the restaurant of your choice. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


  • I am so pleased that your house is sold. I know it has been a huge project for you, but we have all pulled together and done everything we can to see you through it. You are an amazing person, and I thank you for your friendship and kindness, both of which have been invaluable to me over the last few months. WOO HOO!


  • There is something that you need to do, look down at your feet there is a box with congratulations on selling your home message.


  • I just wanted to say congratulations on selling your home! I was so happy to help you get this sold. I do hope you’ll allow me to help you again soon. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with. Happy house hunting!


  • Congratulations! We’ve just sold your home for you. We couldn’t have done it without your tremendous help and we wanted to say thanks. We know you will be happy in your new home and we want to be sure that you find the right realtor to continue on the process with you.


  • Congratulations! Your home has sold and all the hard work you put into making it a great place to live has paid off. It was a pleasure working with you I only wish I could have done more to help you out, but we made it at the end and congratulations on that!


  • Congratulations, you sold your home. The buyers were a lovely couple and overjoyed with their new home. I heard them say “this place is so beautiful out here in the country”. I’m so happy for you, you deserve all the happiness in the world.


  • I wanted to let you know that we received the June payment! We are so glad that you’re home is sold. Thanks again for all of your hard work and dedication to selling your home. It was a pleasure to work with you!


  • I couldn’t be happier that you and your wife finally sold your house, moving can be so tedious. If there’s anything you guys need to get settled in your new home let me know and I’ll do my best to help out. Be sure to let me know when the house goes under contract, I would love to check it out before all the work happens.


  • We couldn’t have done it without you! Moving is such a pain, but we made it work. We love the new house! Thank you for being such a great realtor and friend!


  • I hear you sold your last place! That’s amazing, I have to say. I’m not surprised though; you took such good care of it, and always kept up with the maintenance. I’m so happy for you! Congrats!


  • Congratulations on your sale! I would be the first to say you worked very hard on this. The house looks great. The price was right and the timing was right. I am sure we will do another deal together again shortly.


  • I am so glad we found a buyer quickly, you need to move to a bigger place and get that picket fence you always said you wanted. Sell it quick, then buy your dream home!


  • I just want to send you some congrats on selling your home. I’m so happy things worked out the way you planned, and that this is an exciting time for you. I hope we can still text sometimes, or grab a beer soon.


  • Congratulations again on the sale of your home. It was great working with you and your family. I look forward to working with you on your new home search. Please feel free to call me any time if you need anything!


  • Congrats on selling your home. We are so happy that you were able to find a buyer and get even more for your investment. Here is the closing statement. See you soon!


  • We want to congratulate you on the sale of your home. It is a pleasure working with you, and we look forward to our next opportunity to serve you!


  • Congrats on achieving your dream of homeownership! We are here to assist you throughout your journey; whether it be purchasing, selling, or renting a property. I look forward to hearing from you and assisting you in any way we can.


  • I am so proud of you and the amazing deal you made. Buying a new home is an exciting time, I can’t wait till we get to move in and start decorating. You’re moving up in the world!


  • Congratulations, you’re finally in “The Clear”, so now you get to choose the perfect home for yourself and your family.


Congratulations on Selling Your Home Messages

  • CONGRATULATIONS ON SELLING YOUR HOME!!! I am so excited for you and even happier that you will be moving closer to me. I still love you even though we are miles apart.


  • Congrats on selling your home, my friend! This is a very exciting time for you and I want to wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors! -Holly


  • I’m so happy that you’ve sold your home and made a great deal of profit! Wish you best wishes on the new one. You deserve it!


  • I’m glad you decided to sell your home. I am happy to have helped you find the right buyer and come to a mutual agreement on price. Here is my card so that you can remember me!


  • Congratulations! We are proud to announce that we have closed on your home. This is an exciting time for you; you should be proud of your accomplishment. As a buyer/seller of real estate, we wish you well.


  • I just wanted to formally congratulate you on selling your home. I couldn’t be happier for you! I miss seeing you, but I know this is going to be a lot better for you and the kids, so good luck, and let me know if there is anything I can do for you! I’m always here for you!


  • Congratulation on selling your home. Here is a little extra money to help with the move and any design that you may be looking for in your new one.


  • I want to congratulate you on selling your home. I hope you enjoy your new home because you deserve it! To celebrate, take your family out to dinner tonight and a movie. Enjoy!


  • I’m so glad that you sold your home. It was such a pleasure working with you and I look forward to doing more business in the future.


  • We have the pleasure to inform you of the sale of your home. We would like to thank you for your cooperation during this process and wish you all the best with your new beginning.


  • I just wanted to say congratulations on selling your home messages !!! I am sure you are very happy and glad it’s over. I know you’re wondering why it’s taken me so long to contact you, but my computer is old and doesn’t have internet access. I just got access a month ago.


  • Congratulations on selling your home. I enjoyed working with you and hope you enjoy the new home. Please call anytime if I can help you with anything else.


  • Congratulations on the sale of your home. We appreciate your business and value you as a loyal customer. Enjoy that dream vacation or whatever it is you decide to do with this extra money!


  • Well, we did it! We sold our home!! We are so excited for the next stage in our life. We love you and miss you tons! You are the best realtor ever!


  • I am so happy for you! I always knew you would do it! This is such a great accomplishment and it shows how amazing you are. I am going to miss you but I know that you will be back soon. When you do come back, I better see some furniture in the living room.


  • Vera, you are one amazing woman. You changed a lot of lives in your life, but I’m not even sure you know how many people you did that too. You are going to be missed by me and the rest of our family.


  • Way to go! What a great accomplishment. I’ll help you pack and move all your belongings to your new house.

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