Back To School Prayer Quotes and Wishes

Back To School Prayer Quotes and Wishes: As a parent and former teacher, I believe in the power of prayer. Nowhere is the power of prayer stronger than at the beginning of a new school year or when our children are facing a challenging situation. These prayer quotes will remind your students to begin each day in prayer and can serve as discussion starters for some of life’s toughest questions. This is the Best Collection of Back to School Prayer quotes you can find on the internet today.

Back To School Prayer Quotes and Wishes

• I pray your first day of school is a good one. I pray you to get along with your teachers and that you make new friends. I pray you to remember all your books and supplies, as well as lunch.


• May your pencil always be sharp and your mind focused, may the lessons learned today be valuable tools in the days ahead. Have a blessed first day of school.


• Dear God, please make this school year easy and help me to meet new friends. Please protect me from any harm. I want to say thank you.


• Dear God, Thank you for helping me to be strong and ask my teacher for help. It is hard to get along without you at home, but I know that you are there with me in spirit.


• I don’t pray enough I think. But I know that God is always with me and is listening to my every word and every thought. Lord, Thank you for giving me the joy of a new school year.


• Dear God, thank you for blessing me with this day. Thank you for the new beginning and the wonderful possibilities that await. Thank you for waking me up to another beautiful day.


• I have never met someone like you before. I never get tired of seeing you, hearing your voice, or giving you a hug. You’re so special to me and I’m so glad I got to meet you.


• I send you this special prayer for a joyful and blessed day. Help us to enjoy every minute of the coming year. Bless our families, friends, and teachers, sending them your love and care, so we may share your blessings today and every day. Amen.


• God, I pray for the love and enthusiasm to help my students learn to the best of their abilities. Give me the wisdom and patience to do my job well. Keep me healthy, safe, and strong to endure this new chapter in my life.


• God, please help me find the strength to make it through another year and help out friends I might run into. Guide me in my decisions and keep me safe as I learn and grow.


• I pray that your school year is full of happiness and love. I pray for strength to make it through another year, health to keep you going, and wisdom to help you succeed. God bless you and keep you in the year ahead.


• my only prayer is that you find joy in everything you do. if my love for you could keep you safe, then please never worry about a thing. I pray that each day finds you with a greater understanding of my love for you.


• Lord, please protect the children. Keep them safe to return home. Keep them safe and allow them to learn all they can at school. Guide them through their daily tasks and allow them to grow more each day.


• Lord, my children and all the others who attend school today. Keep them safe and bless each day as they begin anew. Guide their teacher’s hands, and help them feel your presence in their classroom every day.


• I always pray for you, wherever you may be. I wish that I could express to you just how much I miss you. As a military wife, every day can be the start of something new or the end.


• Dear God, please help my mom, so that she can pass her final exam and get a high grade. Please let me get a job soon and make money to help my family and pay back my debt. Let me find the perfect love of my life.


• God I pray that you bless me every day in all my classes. Remind me of your everlasting presence and how much you love me.


• Dear God,(I pray) I pray for You to help me carry my burdens. Give me strength. I need a lot of it right now. Make me strong and brave to face the trials I will face this year.


• Let hope fill your heart, let faith light your path, and let love guide your way. Happy back-to-school season!


• Dear Lord, thank you for this day and all it brings. Thank you for your new beginnings and many adventures. Please watch over your children as they head back to school, and keep them safe and protected.


• Dear God, please help me and my boyfriend through our difficult times. Don’t let us leave each other. We will use our wisdom and respectful attitude to get through anything you will put in our way.


• Dear God, please help me find the motivation to get back in school. I have been putting this off for too long now, but I don’t want to miss out on life anymore. Amen


• You are in my thoughts every morning and every night. I hope you have a great day, I know that you will. Just remember that I love you with all my heart. Please get enough rest, because that is the key to learning.


• Dear Lord, Please let the teacher in class be good. I don’t want her to yell at me. Please keep the boys away from me! I can hear them already! Make me a straight.  A student and help me get my homework done.


• Dear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for the opportunity to make it a wonderful one. Thank you for another chance at a new beginning. Lord, I pray that you will help me remember how blessed I really am and how well off I really am.


• Thank you for guiding me through this past year, seeing me accomplish great things, and become a better person. Show me the way to succeed in everything I do from now until graduation.


• Please help my son, so he makes good choices in life and friends. Let him be a good man and share his generosity with those that don’t have a lot. Make me an understanding, compassionate mother to my son.


• Lord, please be with me today, protect me from laziness, keep me from those who try to harm me, and guide me in my learning!


• Lord, watch over my children but don’t listen too much to what they say. They sometimes forget not to use bad words in their vocabulary.


• Please Lord, bless my husband and son on their journey back to school. Make them stop in your presence daily, to take you in throughout the school day. Help them to have a great day and bring them home safely.


• I pray that God sends down you blessing of wisdom, health, and love. Good fortune will be the key that opens a new school year full of interesting activities.


• Please Lord, keep me safe in school and help me to have a good year. My homework is to get all A’s, be respectful and kind to my teachers, and not give in to peer pressure.


• Lord, every day I am blessed with all that is good. My family, my friends, and my love for everything around me. I thank you for the things you do for me, but I pray that you always be there to guide me through the rough patches too.


• Dear Lord, I pray for all my teachers, family, and friends at school. Please bless them with good grades, success, and happiness. Give me the strength to learn what’s necessary to get me through school.


• Dear God, Bless this day and bring peace to all. May each new day bring beauty and joy to your world. Thank you for being with me and keeping me safe wherever I go. This is my prayer, Dear God.


• Dear Lord, thank you for another wonderful year. Please bless my friends, teachers, and family. Please help me to study hard and do my best.


• Dear God, please help my mom and dad to find a new job so we can afford new clothes for school. Please also help us to learn something new each day.


• Dear Lord, keep my children safe as they walk in your footsteps today. Help them to follow your example as they testify of little things and great things. And may they be kind toward all their peers and treat them as sisters and brothers.


Back To School Teacher Prayer Quotes

• Dear Lord, please protect and keep my children safe this school year. Please bless them with friends that bring out the best in them. Help them to do well in their classes and help them learn from their teachers and campuses.


• Dear Lord, I pray that my loved ones keep in touch with me and write me letters because I worry about them while they are away. Please also help my relationship with my parents to be stronger.


• Help me always to show kindness, love, and compassion for others. Bless me with patience to accept those who do not love me as I love them. Help me embrace all that you send my way, be it good or bad.


• I am so nervous! I’m going away to college. I am going to be so far away and it scares me. Please watch over me and keep me safe. I will always love you, mom and dad! Thank you for caring for me.


• Dear Lord, thank you for this beautiful day and all the wonders of nature. Now I pray for what I deserve and that is a great love that will last forever. Bless my new class and help me to open my heart to love again.


• Dear lord, I pray that you will be with me while I learn this semester. Please help me to master all of the material taught to me so that I can achieve at the highest level possible.


• Thank you God for another year of learning. Help my children grade on their next report card. Help them to excel in all they do. Keep them safe and secure all the days of their lives including their first day of school and throughout the school year.


• I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you. You are more than amazing, more than words could ever express! I love you so much and I’m so lucky that we crossed paths. You’ve changed my life in so many ways, thank you for loving me!


• Dear Lord, I have a really hard exam tomorrow. I know you can help me focus and pass with an A+. Bless me with clear understanding, and quick thinking, and let me study the entire night.


• Dear Lord, today is the first day of school. I’m nervous but also excited. I want to be a better student and person.


• Dear Lord, thank you for protecting my family and loved ones. Thank you for bringing me safely home and for blessing me with another great school year.


• I wish for you to be alright, I wish for you to do well on this test, I wish for you to make friends with ease, and I wish for you a great year. Amen.


• God bless my little one as she goes back to school, Bless her with new education and growth in her knowledge.


• Dear God, please watch over my little girl while she sleeps tonight. May her dreams be soft, and comforting, and may they have happy endings.


• Our Dear Lord, please watch over our students during the school year. Keep them safe, healthy, and happy throughout the school year. Give them strength in the days ahead so they can have a successful year.


• Dear Lord, I pray that this school year gives me the opportunity to grow as a student and a person. I pray that I will be of service to you and other people in your name.


• Dear Lord, who dwells above all the noise and confusion of this world, please help me to improve my attitude, actions, and words. Help me to be open-minded and respectful toward others.


• Dear Lord, thank you for this day; for the smile of the sunshine, and the song of the birds. Help me to find some pleasure in life’s simple things. Make me thankful for trials that come my way and help me always to be gentle and kind. Amen.


• Dear god please help my children be all that they can be. Let them get better grades, and make the teachers love them so I don’t have to drive across town to their schools to yell at them.


• Help me remember that I am on earth to learn, not to prove. Help me to enjoy my study of life and not dwell on my learning. Give me the capacity to digest information, and protect me from all evil that roams day and night.


• Dear Lord, As I start the next chapter of my life please guide me on a path where I will have success and happiness. Bless my teachers, classmates, and friends. May my studies be rewarding.


• Lord, I thank you for this wonderful day. Please bless my classroom and all those who reside in it. May they find peace and calm as they learn. Bless all the tests and projects that are ahead of us.


• I really, really hope you make it through the last two days of school. You know how hard it is for me to see you bummed out over exams. Please do your best and just know that I’ll do anything to make you feel better.


• Dear Lord, let this be a year of change and success. Let my teachers help me be better at math and reading. Help me make new friends, and bring joy every day. Help me to pass every test with great scores, and let me not get sick this year.


• It is important to remember that we learn from the heart. I pray that you will grow intellectually and spiritually as you enter into a new chapter of your life.


• Please give me the strength and courage to make it through another long day. Please keep my family safe. Please let me do well in all my classes. I’m counting on you!


• Dear Lord: Please give me strength for the challenge I will face tomorrow. Please protect me from my enemies, both human and temptations. And please lead me to happiness, health, and success.


• Dear God, I hope that the time off was relaxing and refreshing. For me, it was both. I really needed it. I’m so glad summer is over and fall has arrived.


• Lord, I appreciate all the blessings you have given me. Today, thank you for the ability to learn new things and more about the world. Thank you for providing me with this unique opportunity.


• Bless us with good health and peace of mind; With friends and family, both near and dear; With happiness to fill our days, And help us spread joy everywhere.


• Lord, help me to succeed at school. And Thank you to the teachers and friends who will help me learn this year. Amen.


• Lord, please bless our teachers, schools, and children as we begin this new school year. Amen.


• We’re back in school, Lord, and we thank You for this opportunity to learn and grow. Help us to be prepared for the challenges of the new year.


• May the new school year be filled with joy, wonder, and discovery.


• Dear God, please keep me safe while I walk across this parking lot. Please don’t let a car run me over. Help me make it to homeroom on time and deliver me a good grade on my first test.


• Lord, thank you for the gifts of knowledge, wisdom, and courage. Help me embrace them as I begin another school year. Amen.


• We’ve got a lot to be thankful for—and a whole new year of back-to-school fun ahead of us. Let’s start it off strong with grace, gratitude, and our BFFs! Thanks for being a part of my best year ever.


• It’s time to get back to school, Lord. Thanks for helping me to get ready.


• Dear Lord, let me not waste my time on gossip and drama. Help me to spread joy and peace instead.


• students, may you be protected from the pitfalls of life and pass your classes with flying colors. God bless you.


• As you start your school year, may the Lord bless and guide you in your studies. Amen.


• Lord, please help me to remember what’s important in life. Help me to see that my education is a treasure that won’t be here forever. Please help me to learn how precious time is and help me use it wisely.


• Thank you for health, for knowledge, and for all the good You have planned for me.


• Schools in session! And teacher’s pet is working hard and taking notes. Please help me do my best and study for the upcoming quizzes and tests. Thank you for helping me through this semester!


• Lord, give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish one from another.


• Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful new school year. We pray that it shall be filled with learning and success, with joy and laughter, with friendship and loyalty.


• Back to school, oh Lord, for all the rest we’ve missed. Be with us now, as we begin this day #blessed.


• Bless the teachers and students for this upcoming school year. We are always here for you.


• Dear Lord, please keep me safe as I go to school today. Thanks to that you love me so much—I am truly blessed. ❤️


• Prayer changes things. It can help you through the changes in your life.


• Dear God, thank you for this new year and all the opportunities that are in store!


• Lord, keep my mind alert and active so that I will be able to concentrate on the lessons You have for me.


• May you find the courage to break free from your comfort zone. May you have a thirst for knowledge and a passion for action. May this be the best year yet.


• May there be a road, not taken, a mountain not climbed, a song not sung, an adventure not embarked upon. An explorer, not you. May you always see what’s possible, not what’s probable.


• May this school year bring joy to your learning, comfort to your heart, and love into your life.


• May your first week back to school be everything you want it to be. 🙏


• Dear God, thank you for waking me up today. Let this day be an awesome school day filled with joy, learning, and creativity.


• Hope you have a great start to school. Our children are our future… look for every chance to inspire, educate and enlighten them.


• May all your classes be blessed with as much wisdom ..and a whole lot more besides.


• Give me the confidence that I need to pursue my higher education goals. Thank you, Father, amen.


• Thank you for always helping us succeed, even when we feel like giving up. We know you are there for us whenever we need you. Our source of strength, wisdom, and grace.

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