Prayer Quotes For Someone Having Surgery

Are you looking for Prayer Quotes For Someone Having Surgery? Prayers are a great way to get comfort, strength, help, and hope in times of difficulty, trouble, and need. They are also a powerful way to declare God’s glory and to thank Him for His goodness. Whatever prayer you want to use, we have you covered with a huge list of prayers and quotes for a friend, family member, lover, or colleague having surgery.

Prayer Quotes For Someone Having Surgery

  • God, I pray for [insert name here] that you surround him/her with your love and grace. Protect him/her from the stress of the surgery and heal his/her wounds quickly. Give him/her strength to get through this time without pain and discomfort.


  • Big prayers for my friend who’s having surgery today. I hope this brings you comfort and upliftment.


  • May your surgery and recovery be swift, and may you be surrounded by love and prayers on this journey.


  • We pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want.


  • I pray that God will give you strength and peace during this difficult time.


  • I pray that you recover swiftly, and get back to doing what you do best as soon as possible.


  • In your hour of need, I pray that you remember all that is good in life and the real reason for your existence. You are not on this earth to serve yourself but the rest of mankind. I pray that you receive comfort in this difficult time, knowing that I will be with you in spirit. ❤🙏


  • May this time bring you strength, and the grace to accept comfort from those words written long ago, that still speak so clearly to the spirit of man…The Bible.


  • I pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I pray for strength, patience, understanding, and courage for all who are involved and I pray that you feel the love of God surrounding you.


  • Dearest Lord, please touch my friend and give him the courage to face the surgery tomorrow. Please heal all the weakness and pain in his body. Surround him with your angels in this time of need. Amen ❤


  • We pray that you feel comforted and protected as you undergo this procedure. We are here to support you in any way we can.


  • Lord, I come to you today with a heart of thanksgiving for the many blessings you have bestowed on me. Bless my surgery as I go under the knife. Please hold me in your healing hands as I step into the unknown.


  • I pray that you will trust in God’s goodness and mercy when hard times come your way.


  • Have strength in the face of fear. Peace when the world seems uncertain. Hope when all seems hopeless. And love to remind you that life goes on, even when it is hard.


  • Dear God, please watch over your son and keep him safe during his surgery today. Bless all the doctors and nurses who are taking care of him now. And please comfort us, knowing that you are with him.


  • Praying for a smooth and quick recovery 🙏🏽


  • Lord, please guide the hands of the surgeons performing my surgery as they do their work. They will be done


  • Please be present during surgery, and grant the surgeon’s wisdom, skill, and health to my beloved brother.


  • I pray for strength for you today. I pray for faith to guide you through your struggles. #prayers


  • Lord, I thank you for your presence all around me. When I am in trouble, You are the one to give me hope and strength to be able to overcome it. Even when I am in pain and suffering, you always give me a way out.


  • Dear God, please soften their hearts and help them to forgive. Please heal each and every person that was hurt by this conflict and help us learn to love one another again. Amen


  • May the Lord go with you, may His countenance shine upon you, May He turn His face toward you And give you peace.


  • Lord, I’m holding you in the palm of my hand. So please be with me…


  • Lord, work in me a deeper humility, deadening all the activities of my pride. Immerse me in Your gentle mercy, quieting all my fears. Help me to be silent in your presence and to listen attentively to your voice alone. Amen


  • I’m praying for your quick recovery and full health. If it’s not too much to ask, please let me know how you’re doing after the surgery. You are my top priority and I would be worried.


  • I prayed for you today. I said a prayer for you today. May you be filled with God’s peace, comfort, and His joy in the midst of any uncertainty or fear that may surround your situation this week.


  • Lord, heal this body and its many parts. May the surgeon’s skill be successful and save this body from what ails it.


  • God, help me to do my work with dignity and honor. Help me to accept the work that you have given me. May I always do it with love in my heart and faith in my soul Amen.


  • Lord, you have heard the desire of the humble: You will prepare their heart, you will cause your face to shine upon them, and give them peace.


  • I pray for this surgery to go well, I pray for your fast recovery, and I pray that God will give you the strength to get through it.


  • Dear God, please be with me today in surgery and throughout my recovery. Please help me have the will to do what I must. Please watch over the doctors and nurses that are taking such good care of me.


  • Lord, I pray that you will heal my husband. Please give him strength, courage, and peace. Allow his surgery to be performed skillfully by a capable surgeon. Comfort him with the great hope you have given us in your Son’s death and resurrection.


  • In the operating room and wish you a quick recovery. May God be with you! #hopebloominhand


  • I pray for your safety and comfort today as you undergo surgery. God’s presence will be surrounding you and His healing powers will be at work to mend your physical body.


  • Let this surgery be for the betterment of your health and well-being, we pray to you, almighty God. We also ask…


  • Lord, help me, guide me, protect me during this surgery. Amen.


  • Let’s bow our heads together and pray. Dear God, please watch over my brother.


  • God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


  • Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst come under my roof; but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.


  • Lord, please keep my brother in your loving arms. Keep him safe during his surgery today, and help him feel no pain. Watch over his doctors, nurses, and family members as they support him through this procedure.


  • God, please be with my husband during his surgery today. Keep him calm and relaxed while the doctors go in. Guide them to what they need and make sure they are gentle and kind. Please protect him from all harm, worry, and anxiety; and keep him safe under your wings of protection. Amen


  • May the surgery go well and May God protect you for the surgery.


  • I prayed for you today. For your safety and health, And for the strength and wisdom to endure.


  • Lord, I ask for protection for my family and friends. May You be with me when I travel. Thank You for this day and the strength to face it.


  • We pray for healing and strength, Lord. You are our help when we need it most.


  • I am positive today will be great because you are alive and breathing. Because of that, I know that everything is going to work out even better than I prayed for.


  • My dear, have the courage and strength to face life’s challenges with a positive attitude, for we’ll never be able to change what is meaningless in this world. Let this be our prayer.


  • May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn his countenance toward you, give you peace, and bring you prosperity.


  • May every road rise up to meet you, and may every slope be smooth for your feet.


  • I pray that God’s grace and love might surround you with a healing light as you prepare for surgery.”


  • Lord, please be with my friend today as she has surgery to fix her broken leg. It will be scary and uncomfortable for her but thank you for this amazing surgeon who is going to help her through it.


  • I pray for healing and a speedy recovery. May the Lord grant every blessing for a successful surgery.


  • Dear God please bless this special surgery today and make it go without any complications and let him come out of the surgery fine and healthy 🙏


  • Lord, please help me have the strength to handle whatever comes my way today, knowing you are with me each step of the way. Thank you for keeping both myself and my family safe and healthy. Amen.


  • Strength during this journey and healing in your heart. You are not alone on the road to recovery.


  • God, Your promises are my delight; there is nothing better for me than to be close to You. Psalm 16:11


  • Dear God, help my friend have a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Please let her be in good health again and return to her daily activities soon. Thank you. Amen


  • 🙏 God, please be with my brother today. Guide the doctors and nurses who will care for him today. Comfort us all as we are scared and anxious about the surgery tomorrow.


  • I know God will be with you for every step of this journey and heal anything that the doctors can’t.


  • We have full faith that God will mend your broken heart and arm. We’re praying for a good recovery and an even better outcome. All the best to you and your loved ones.


  • Let’s pray for her. May the Lord be by her side, to heal her at this most difficult time. 🙏🏼


  • I ask the Lord to bless you today and every day. Protect you from illness and injury and give you safe passage to the places He sends you, and return you to your home again in health and safety.


  • I pray that they are covered and surrounded by the One who is greater than all of our fears and the God who is more powerful than any situation in life.


  • Here is a prayer for you. I pray that the Almighty grants you strength and courage to get over the challenges of life.


  • Please let it go well. Please be okay. Please, please be okay. I love you!


  • Every day is a gift, and it’s the little moments that make it special. God bless you today and always.


  • May you be lifted up in prayer. May God comfort you with the knowledge that he IS with you, no matter what.


  • Dear Lord, help me to remember that before I can worship you, I must first worship myself.


  • Mommy loves you. God loves you. I’m praying for you to have a safe surgery. We love and miss you!


  • Lord, I pray for healing and a speedy recovery. May you watch over my loved one. Amen


  • Lord, your strength is all I need. Trusting in you to get me through this challenging time.


  • Dear God, I pray for strength and guidance during this time. Please watch over me as I recover.


  • I pray that God puts his hands on you today and heals you completely.


  • Dear Lord, please help me to be more like the good people that I know are possible.


  • May the Lord’s presence be with you to guide and support you in this difficult time.


  • May the Lord be with you and bless you; May His face shine on you and be gracious to you; May He turn His face toward you and give you peace.


  • Please be with her today in surgery, may all go well, and may she heal quickly so she’ll return to good health.


  • May the hands that perform this surgery be guided by the heart of one who loves you. #Godbless


  • Just a word in prayer for you today. Dear God, thank you for this day and all the blessings each of us enjoys. Please be with those who are sick or in pain and give them the strength to carry on.


  • I’ve been thinking a lot about you today, hoping and praying for a quick recovery.


  • I pray that you are in good health and spirits today, and throughout your recovery.


  • I prayed for you today, and I know God will help you through. 🙏🌼😘


  • Dear Lord, please heal my friend of his illness and make him feel better soon.


  • To pray is human, but to pray and be thankful is divine. Thank you for the blessing of life ☺


  • Lord be with me, where I am going you have been before. I am not afraid. You have given me strength.


  • May angels surround you and guide you. May light perpetual shine upon you. And may peace be at your emanation always. 🙏


  • We’re praying for you and your surgery today. Please keep us in mind as well.


  • God bless you my child as you go into surgery today. I know that everything will be alright and with your faith in God, you will recover soon.


  • Oh Lord, please protect him as he undergoes this surgery. Grant him courage and strength.


  • I pray that you will be blessed and get well soon.


  • We pray that the results of this procedure will be beneficial for you and your family.


  • Lord, please be with [name of patient] and all those who are part of the surgery team. Please go before them and follow after them in their work today. Guide their hands and touch the person You have made. Amen.


  • Be at peace knowing he’s in the best care and think of us as a safety net if anything goes wrong, Amen.


  • Lord, I pray that you give your angels charge over her to guard her and bring her to her surgery and healing. Thanks for surrounding her with such amazing doctors.


  • Lord, guide my surgeon’s hands as he goes about his work today. Give him the knowledge and the skill to do everything within your power and wisdom to restore health and wholeness.


  • Lord, protect my son as he goes into surgery today. Guide the doctors’ hands, give them wisdom and skill, and help them do what is best for my son.


  • Just slept a wink. Too keyed up thinking of you today. May all the angels in Heaven watch over you while you’re under the knife and give you a swift recovery afterward.


  • Lord, please guard this good man in all his activities and bring him back safe to us. Bless him and his family. I pray for his good health, amen.


  • May the hands of those who touch you be healed. May the heart of those who think of you be blessed. Rest in God’s Peace.


  • I pray that when I wake up, the pain will be gone and my sight will be back to normal. I thank God for making me go through this.


  • Please look over those who are ill, and those who are blessed with good health, so that they may be well and joyful.


  • I lift this up to you now in prayer, with gratitude for your grace and mercy.


  • May the angels watch over you, and the Lord hold you in his hand.


  • Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


  • Those who have faith can move mountains—and those who have no faith, should at least refrain from moving them. 🙏


  • Today, we are sending positive thoughts and prayers to our friend who is celebrating her recovery after a successful surgery.


  • Please let him have a successful surgery and heal quickly. We pray for his health and for the doctors involved.


  • Lord, I pray that you will comfort my mom and let the surgery go well.


  • Dear God, please keep my friend safe during surgery. Guide the hands of the surgeon and help everything to go smoothly. We’re all counting on you. Amen ❤🙏


  • I pray your surgeon’s hands are steady tonight, and that you feel deep healing in your heart 🙏🏼


  • I pray that God will give you the strength 💪 and the courage to undergo this procedure.


  • Through it, all, may you know the peace and solace of God’s presence which transcends all understanding. Through your pain may He grant you a grace that will sustain you. May He give you perfect peace in the midst of your struggle, and awaken in your soul a deeper awareness of His favor towards you.


  • Please God, May I have the strength to walk on this path that you have set for me.


  • God is bigger than this. God is able to take care of what has happened and heal the situation of which we are in need. He will restore us to complete health and heal our broken hearts.


  • Let the healing powers of faith and nature work on the ailment causing you pain.


  • I pray that you have a successful surgery today and a very speedy recovery.


  • Lord, I pray for healing throughout this surgery. And Lord, please strengthen all of those involved in the process and bring peace to those who are waiting.


  • Please God, protect my child during surgery today. Protect the doctors and nurses who will be caring for him. Guide them in their work.


  • Our thoughts are with you today and in the weeks ahead as you recover from your surgery.


  • Please bless the hands that do good works, for operating on my aunt today. We remember she is in your care.


  • I pray for healing and comfort for you. May the good Lord watch over you and keep you in his care today and always.


  • God is great and I thank him for every little thing he has done in my life.


  • Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle


  • God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference. 🙏


  • I pray that all will go well with your surgery. Please know that you are in my thoughts.


  • Please pray for me during surgery tomorrow. I know everything will go great, but I’m still a little nervous about everything. And please keep my husband and daughter in your prayers.


  • Lord, please be with all of those who are going into surgery today. May they come out just as they went in.


  • God, be with my friend during his operation. Guide the hands of the doctors, and keep them all safe from harm.


  • Dear God, let this operation be over soon so that my brother can get better soon and start living a normal life again.


  • I pray that the surgeon’s hands are steady, the anesthesia is painless, and your recovery is swift.


  • I am praying for you, that the Lord makes His face shine upon you and gives you a quick recovery.


  • I brought every pain I had on you to remind you that we’re not alone when we hurt. Allow me to heal as you did. I have full trust in your hands.


  • May God’s love surround you with hope and peace as you step into the unknown. Know that no matter what happens, we will all walk through this together.


  • I thank God for the sunny days of my life. I pray to hold on to them and to be grateful for each moment.


  • Lord, please be with my friend in this time of trial and help the doctors perform their tasks flawlessly.


  • Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope you heal fast and get back on your feet soon.


  • Lord, I pray for your healing hands to touch this child and take away any pain.


  • I pray that you’ll all be ready for the new changes to come, and I would understand if one can’t. After all, we are not soldiers in battle but rather friends and family who care about each other.


  • Filled with gratitude for our health, may we be gentle to ourselves and to others. May we know peace and enjoy safety.


  • You are never alone, I am always by your side. Let’s raise our hands together and pray.


  • Bless my surgeon. He is an instrument in your hands to mend and make right. May the instruments he uses be clean and the work successful and done with gentleness and care.


  • God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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