Caption for 5 Month Old Baby With Quotes

Caption for 5 Month Old Baby With Quotes: A five-month-old baby is especially adorable. They are learning how to crawl, sit up on their own and explore the world around them. For the most part, parents want to capture every moment for their baby’s scrapbook.

Some cute photos include a five-month-old doing something silly such as hiding their face in a measuring cup. One of the best ways to capture these memorable moments is to write captions on them.

Caption for 5 Month Old Baby With Quotes

  • Take a deep breath. You’ll be 5 months old tomorrow!


  • “Everything is a phase, except for being five months old.”


  • Happy 5-month-old birthday! You’ve been with me for these five months and honestly, it’s been the most amazing journey of my life. Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess!


  • When you’re 5 months old and ready to take on the world, it’s all about #girlpower.


  • I’d be lost without you, so it’s a good thing I found you! Happy 5 month birthday!


  • At this age, bailey is becoming more aware of his surroundings.


  • A boy’s best friend is his mother.


  • Wherever you go, whatever you do, you’re my main girl!


  • “It’s always a fun time with you”


  • My life is better than your vacation.


  • I think this one’s a keeper.


  • I need to get a funny quote on happiness. But first, coffee ☕


  • I have said it once and I’ll say it again. Take a leap of faith


  • It’s 5-month-day! This means it is also time to revisit my newborn pictures and remember how little I was.


  • “If you think having a baby will change your life, you’re right.”


  • 5 Things I’ve Learned in 5 Months


  • Stop growing so fast! I can’t keep up.


  • The only thing more beautiful than the woman that knows what she wants is the woman who isn’t waiting on anybody else to get it for her. She’s living her life and doing what she loves. ✨


  • Are you still cooking? My 5-month birthday is coming up and I could go for another solid meal.


  • Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.


  • When I grow up, I’m going to make right-wing media great again.


  • I love you more than a kettle loves tea!


  • Sometimes you just need a little pick me up ☕


  • The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.✨


  • Five months old and counting. Possibly the most well-behaved baby in history. Ever.


  • The only way to get things done is by doing them, says the 5-month old who hasn’t figured out crawling yet


  • We got an infant, I’m tryin’ to win it. I’m in a position to win it.


  • Our little angel is growing up so fast!


  • Say hello to little hands and little feet…💕


  • You may not be walking yet, but your toe toddling around the living room is too cute!


  • Sometimes it’s easy to forget that I’m the adult and you’re the baby.


  • “Growing up is hard to do”


  • I’m just a soul whose intentions are good, oh Lord, please to’ me back to the hood


  • Before you were born, I didn’t believe in miracles.


  • As I get older, I’m five months old now and climbing, everyone tells me I’ll grow out of it.


  • Babies are like life’s little angels. They are always there to remind us how precious life is.


  • if this is what the fifth month feels like…I’m going to have a long year ahead of me. just saying.


  • “My idea of a good night has changed once I became a mother.


  • It’s not hard to get a child to smile—babies will smile at practically anything. I love the way he smiles!


  • A baby’s laugh is an angel’s voice.


  • I might be small, but I know what I want!


  • Sleep? Who needs sleep when you have this many toys to play with!


  • My favorite sound is your laughter. My favorite feeling is knowing that you are mine.


  • You’re so small you can use a teabag as a sleeping bag.


  • You, kid, are going to be amazing. You’re already so smart and such a good baby and I can’t wait to find out who you’re going to be.


  • It’s a Good thing Babies can’t talk til’ they’re Three.


  • a baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower.


  • “Did you know babies are nauseous? They don’t know how to say it, but I think they need to barf all the time.


  • Be as picky with your words as you are with your selfies.


  • you have to have a sense of humor to keep your sanity!


  • People grow up so fast when you’re not their parent.


  • You’re so smiley and happy all the time, it must be exhausting


  • Isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful…


  • Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re a fool than to open it and prove them right


  • You are 5 months old, you are chubby & delicious, strong & curious, and pretty perfect.


  • This 5-month-old baby gives us a lesson in perspective with her ‘Baby Shark’ rendition 😂


  • 5 months old today and you have already captured my 💖.


  • Baby, you sure know how to turn my world upside down and melt my heart into a puddle of goo.


  • You may be five months old, but already the light of my life.


  • Even though you’re now five months old, I still believe your favorite word is


  • By five months, your baby will be able to: roll over from tummy to back, sit with support, hold the head steady without support, and more.


  • Life is one big adventure, especially when you’re accompanied by this 5-month-old.


  • That moment when your baby finally realizes that the banana is for eating, not for playing.


  • Some people may say your eyes are too big for your stomach, but I say you’re just a growing boy!


  • “Waking up is my favorite and most hated part of the day. I can talk and laugh and play…. or I can cry until you feed me.”


  • We don’t know how you do it, but you make us smile every day.


  • This is my first fall and I can already feel my old lady energy kicking in.


  • “When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.


  • If you think I’m cute, you should see my grandma! What a hilarious thing to hear from a 5-month-old baby!


  • “I’m not cranky. I just have my period.” – said no five-month-old, ever


  • You’re five months old! One-third of your first year is done, and I can’t help but think about what the rest will hold.


  • After 5 months he’s been loving us unconditionally and has also been the happiest all the time no matter what.


  • Your first five months have been a dream, baby. I can’t wait to make more memories like these with you!


  • Our little 5-month old is already a master of multi-tasking! We’re convinced this one will grow up to be CEO of three different Fortune 500 companies.


  • Be nice to me. I still have a full head of hair!


  • Just look at me! I’m ready for the moment!


  • “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”


  • “I’m not a puzzle piece. I am a person that fits into myself.”


  • While you sleep I am staring at you and trying to remember my name


  • Look at you, little one! You’re a five-month-old. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown.


  • I’m not ready for you to turn 5 months old but I am ready to pay off all my student loans.


  • A 5-month-old baby girl? Why not call her a fifth-month-old baby girl?


  • “The middle class is clear: it does not have time for this.” -My 5-month-old, catching up on her French politics


  • If you love something, set it free. Unless it’s a baby. Then lock that sucker uptight.


  • I am blessed to have a daughter like you. Now I know what true love feels like.


  • When the going gets tough, the tough get snuggles.


  • Hi everyone, I’m 5-months-old today and I can sit up on my own! My 2 bottom teeth are already poking through. Thank you for all the love and support from my family, friends, and fans.


  • Who can resist the pouty lips of a 5-month-old?


  • I’m five months old now and I think it’s time to take on a new adventure. So I’ve decided to explore the world. First stop: your restaurant!


  • 5 months old and your smile is everything 💙 Happy half Birthday to you!


  • So, you’re 5 months old. 👶 You’re not tiny or perfect anymore. You’re conscious and so sure of who you are. You started laughing & making noise. I will say that I’ve never had so much fun with anyone. You make me laugh.


  • 5-month-old babies love spending time with their family, trying new foods, and exploring the world around them.


  • In the 5th month, you can start to make small sounds. The vocal cords are growing and you’ll be able to grunt soon! But please don’t make noise when I’m sleeping🙄


  • She is my dream come true. And she has brought me so many more!


  • Ask not what your mom can do for you; ask what you can do for your mom.


  • You are my sunshine, my little darling.


  • “I wish that I could be like the cool kids because all the cool kids, they seem to fit in. ”


  • Baby, I’m a train wreck. Only 5 months old!


  • A baby comes with all the greatest blessings of God.


  • You’re the cutest thing that I’ve ever seen. Love you to the moon and back.


  • Mommy and Daddy never knew they could love someone as much as they love you.


  • Oh, you think this is cute? Just wait until I can move.


  • Before I got my first tooth, all I could do was drool. But at least that came in handy when Mom read me, Shakespeare.


  • Gus is 5 months old today! His favorite thing to do is to eat and play with his sister! I’m so happy he’s a part of our family.


  • They say you need a lot of patience to raise a baby. This little one is so much more than worth the wait!


  • “A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it.” ― Frank A. Clark


  • “Watch me grow!” — said the baby . . . #growingfast


  • Wow! Has it been five months? Time flies when you’re having fun… or when your parents are getting no sleep!


  • Baby, you’re the best form of sunshine that I’ve ever seen.


  • This little guy melts our hearts every day. ❤️


  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”


  • There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: Twins.


  • “Children and babies are such a nice way to start people.


  • 5-month yawns but who’s counting?


  • 5 months, giggles, and a lot of drool.


  • Growing up fast but still a baby!


  • The only thing better than having you as my mom is our babies having you as their nana. I love you!


  • Always on the move, never stopping, and into everything is the phrase I like to describe this little one.


  • Growing up without you is unimaginable.


  • Happiness is sleeping in, waking up with the sun on your face, and a snuggle in your arms.


  • You are my favorite reminder that the best things in life are unexpected.


  • You’re five months old! So what we’ve learned so far: 1. You love to eat 2. You love to dance 3. You love going outside 4. Your smile is the sweetest and 5. No matter what, you always fit right in our arms 💕


  • Do you know how to tell your 5-month-old is getting smarter every day? Answer: He’s starting to laugh at your jokes on the third repetition.


  • You are the cherry on top of my well-balanced breakfast.


  • You’re laughing at me because I’m different. I’m laughing at you because you’re all the same.


  • It’s getting cold out there, but let me keep you warm.


  • This 5-month-old already has more swag than I ever will.


  • Happy 5 months old, my baby boy. We’re a match made in heaven. 🌞


  • I’m learning how to be 5 months old and it’s pretty great!


  • This little girl is growing up so fast. It’s only 5 months, but she already has a lot of personality. 😃


  • 5 months of mommy snuggles, daddy kisses, and the most gorgeous little face to look at every morning.


  • 5 months old today and already beating mom in chess.


  • At this age, happy hour is a nap.


  • I may be little, but I’ve got big goals!


  • Today, I got up and fell immediately. I’d say it’s been a pretty good year so far.


  • Don’t let someone being more experienced than you keep you from trying, they were a beginner once too.


  • I’m not saying I’m a unicorn, I’m just saying you’ve never seen me and a unicorn in the same place.


  • I can do anything with my eyes closed…except sleep.


  • 5-month-old baby, Wise words from one tiny human: “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.”


  • You’re 5 months old—half a year of cuteness down, half a year to go! Happy Half-birthday.


  • You may be 5 months, but I see the light of my life in you. You are a joy to me.


  • 5 months old: “I’m not crying, I’m just yawning… a LOT.” 😴


  • You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy a puppy… and that’s kind of the same thing!


  • And when tiny little hands wrap around my finger, I know that I am forever changed.


  • Someday you’ll be big enough to roll over…but not today. 😴


  • I Am 5 Months Old! Mummy and Daddy Can Not Believe How Fast I Grow!


  • Funny how a 5-month old can make you feel like the luckiest gambit alive.


  • 5 months of being mommy’s best bud.


  • 10 Funny Baby Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud


  • 5 months old, 35 weeks of project management, and still going strong.


  • Even baby has their way to remind us to stay positive.


  • “Baby: A loud noise at one end, and no sense of responsibility at the other.”


  • They say you can’t spoil a baby but we don’t call it spoiling if we do it


  • “I am more readily amused than anyone you’ve ever met. I’m adorable and hilarious.”


  • Isn’t it amazing that the same God who created oceans, stars, and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too?


  • You’ve made me a better version of myself, and I’m so excited to see you grow.


  • “The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.


  • You can get me out of bed at 3 am and I’ll still be fine, but you dare try to wake me from my morning nap and there will be war


  • I’m only 5 months old, but I don’t need a stage mom. #modelbaby


  • I may only be 5 months old but I’m already so proud of my parents for raising me to use my voice for good.


  • Chris Rock says it best: “There’s no problem with babies, just the people that have them.”


  • Tonight, I was that dad. You know, the one who sings their kids to sleep with “call me maybe” and they fall asleep?


  • “5 months old, and I’m working on my first novel. It’s called “How To Get Away With Being A 5-Month-Old.”


  • You just can’t beat waking up to a 5-month-old baby


  • As my wise five-month-old baby once said.


  • If you thought today is a good day 5 months ago it was the worst day of my life.


  • You are living proof that my prayers have been answered. Happy 5th month anniversary!


  • 5 months ❤️ “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”


  • Been a busy 5 months, puppy. So much to do and see! But I promise this summer will be one for the books.


  • You’re growing up to be a good woman.


  • Who runs the world? 5-month-olds.


  • You’re 5 months old! And you still haven’t managed to get into any serious trouble


  • 5 months old and already so wise.


  • 5 months old today! You’re growing up so fast!


  • happy 5 months of existence, my little munchkin


  • You know we love you when we swaddle you in a blanket.


  • Sleep longer, little one. Mom and Dad will hold off on the coffee ☕


  • You’re not like a regular mom, you’re a cool mom.


  • If my dog makes you uncomfortable, I’d be happy to lock you in the other room.


  • We’re officially at the age where we drool more than we talk.


  • When I grow up, do I have to be like everyone else?” – Winnie the Pooh ✨


  • The secret to happiness? Let us introduce you to our 5-month-old baby 💛🐶


  • You’re five months old today, and about the size of my husband’s head. The important thing is: you’re healthy and happy—and so am I!


  • “As a mom of a 5-month old, I find that my social life has been reduced to interacting with the cashier at Target and those who follow me on Instagram. #wanderlustparents


  • 5-month-old and still can’t stay awake for a photo 😂


  • 5 months already. I’m trying to take it all in, but I can’t keep my eyes open.


  • 5-month-old and already running the show. #thebossbaby


  • “When you’re 5 months old and can’t quite crawl yet but you’re not going to let that stop you from playing with your toy cars anyway.


  • 5 months old, curious about the world, and fearless like there’s no tomorrow. That’s what we call #GrowingUpFast


  • Sleep like a baby? I don’t think so.


  • “No matter how old you are, if a little kid hands you a toy phone, you answer it.”


  • I didn’t know what love was until I started looking at you.


  • Not all who wander are lost. But I am, please help me find my mom!


  • I didn’t know love until I met you.


  • The moment you feel lonely, remember that you are loved.


  • Well hello there, 5 months old! You’re just the best little thing we’ve ever seen.


  • 5 months old! Time flies when you’re with a baby.


  • As the 5th month baby, I am learning patience, but my mom is learning a lot more.


  • You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.


  • “That’s why her hair is so big…it’s full of secrets.” – Legally Blonde


  • I may be small, but I’m a mighty force.


  • Hi, world! I’m 5-months-old today and ready to take on the world.


  • I think you’re the cutest 5-month old I’ve ever seen. And I should know because I have eyes.


  • Life is just like a baby. It’s always happy and adorable, but sometimes full of problems and tears.


  • It’s a world full of smiles and that’s where I want to be.

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