Clever Graduation Captions: Graduation is a big milestone for seniors. It symbolizes freedom from high school, newfound independence, and a future full of opportunities. Captions can add flavor to your photos. On the other hand, some people have difficulty in writing captions due to the pressure of time and quality control.
Clever Graduation Captions
• With every new graduation, a new beginning. What will yours hold? #Graduation
• Here’s to future memories & friends who’ll be with you ’til the end #graduation 🎓
• Life is an adventure in learning and a journey of discoveries. Graduation reminds us to continue loving life and always learning. Congratulations grads!
• Being so excited that we can’t even think of a cool emoji caption
• Your better days are ahead. Don’t let those chapters of your life distract you from the next story. Congratulations and good luck!
• Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. Congratulations! #congratulations
• From #1 top-of-the-class to #1 on the interview circuit, we’re proud of you in every way. Congrats, grad!
• Special shoutout to everyone graduating today—I’m inspired by your courage and determination #graduationday
• Congratulations to our graduates. May your hard work and memories follow you as you face challenges ahead.
• Today we applaud your accomplishments and celebrate the promising future ahead. Congrats and good luck!
• Just when you thought it was too early to start thinking about graduation, we did it for you. #thanksmom
• Proud graduates deserve the very best 🎓 It’s what we do.
• Time flies when you’re having fun. And more importantly, time flies when you’re learning things. Graduation is a bittersweet moment of life, but we have to remember that all the great things are ahead of us.
• Class of 2018, we made it. Never forget these moments. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. We love you and hope to see you soon!
• Congrats. Looking forward to the fruits of your labor.
• Congrats to all the grads 🎓 Forever memories 🎉 And cheers to a future full of possibilities ✨
• Thanks for everything, teachers, professors, coaches.
• Thanks for the memories, high school. Let’s do it all over again in 10 years. 🏫🎓
• Here’s to all the moments we’ll never forget. I’ve been a little bit busy lately, but thank you for supporting me throughout this amazing process. I hope you all have an incredible summer. Love you all! Thanks again
• Graduation is about finding your purpose and celebrating the journey you’ve taken. Happy #graduationday!
• You are now free to pursue your dreams! Congrats and enjoy the future 😎 #graduation
• Congrats to the graduates! We hope you’ll keep us in mind (for your first college apartment or grad school housing 🗓) ❤️
• Great job, grad! You’ve worked hard to get here. Now, toast your accomplishments with a hot cup of Starbucks ☕️
• College grads represented. Time to party with a full scholarship in hand. Cheers!
• This summer, we’re number 1. 💡 #GoNoles ☀ 🍑
• It’s time to make your move. #muchlove #graduation
• You made it, now show it off. We’re proud to announce that a whole new crop of college grads is ready to take on the world. Let’s see what you got, #graduation
• Congrats, Grad! The best is yet to come.
• Congratulations to all of these Graduate Bae’s!
• Wow. We’re kind of freaking out. All grown up! Time to celebrate! 🍾
• Make the most out of every second #graduation season
• Listen here, graduates: You’re proven. Your diploma is in hand. Now you’re ready for your encore.

Graduation Picture Captions
• What a year it’s been! You’ve learned time management skills, passed final exams, and maybe even gotten your first job. Cheers to graduates everywhere! #congrats #graduation
• Turning the page – Happy Graduation to you! #congrats #wishingyouwell #graduationcap
• Welcome to the real world. Cake today, problems tomorrow. And infinite opportunities forever. Congratulations! 👋
• Congrats grads! Time to see what the world has in store for you 👩🎓
• Enjoy the moment. Celebrate your achievements and savor the memories you’ll make after today. Congratulations Class of 20XX, and welcome to the world! #lesthechampagneflow
• We may be celebratin’ our last weekend together as a college crew, but we’ll always keep in touch and celebrate you. Congrats and happy grad! #graduation
• Congrats on your hard work! We are glad you’ve moved past sleepless nights and endless essays toward a future of opportunity. #gradschool #
• Happy graduation to me—I deserve this. Proving History Wrong Since @xxxxx
• Congrats Grad! May your star always shine bright 👼
• You’re smart enough to know better, but not too smart to ignore the advice. Congrats on the big day!
• Congrats and cheers to the Class of 20xxx! We’re so proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished.
• Getting a new perspective on life. Graduation
• Congratulations, Class of 20xxx—The above is a clever caption that the sophisticated audience of North Face will appreciate.
• Wishing you the happiest of graduations! We’re so proud to call you a part of the UO community. Congrats.
• Finals are over! Happy graduation! We’re happy to celebrate with you. (Let’s just remember who wrote the papers.)
• Our family has a good idea of what we’re doing in life. Here’s to all the great things to come #graduatetoday #congratsclassof2xxxx you got this…
• Four years. 400,000 cups of coffee. 1091 miles walked around campus. One Lantern 🗓️
• We’re all about celebrating this milestone with a touch of sparkle 💎
• We got a little lost along the way, but with encouragement and help from friends, we made it to the big day. Congratulations!
• Because you’re too busy to look for clever captions—we’ve got you covered.
• Just when you thought four years were over, they’re just beginning. Congrats, grads! #graduation
• Good luck to all the graduates this week. We have you 💙
• This is the part where you say, ‘Congrats,’ cause if you didn’t I’d have to take away your Internet privileges. #Graduation
• When you’re ready to graduate from the books, it doesn’t mean you’re done learning. Graduate from your day with @xxxxx. #MadeForSchool
• Congrats to all of our graduates—may your future be filled with #greatness.
• Making memories that last a lifetime.
• Congratulations on your graduation. Here’s to the next chapter!
• Thanks for everything you taught me. I’m so excited about the future because of you. #graduation #college #proud
• For Seniors: your last day…your first day of the rest of your life! Congrats on passing those final…
• Class of 2017: be risky, take some chances, learn fast, and work hard. You’ve got this.
• It’s time to wake up the people you love, graduate from a campus map, and make some memories. The world needs you to set it free. Your future is waiting.
• Finally done with all the back-to-school. Now for a fresh start #graduation
• Don’t stop learning. 👨🎓 #MayTheForceBeWithYou
• These are the moments that last a lifetime because you’ve done what was necessary to make them last. Congratulations #KeepSwimming
• One year from now, we’ll be wishing we had the guts to click post on this moment.
• Smart is the new sexy. Congrats to the Class of @xxxxxx and much love, always. #FunnyGraduationQuotes
• One day we’ll all wake up and find that we’re the experts and our parents are the students. ☝🏻 #graduation #clever
• Here’s looking at you, #graduation. We’re inspired by your drive and determination (and your cute cap). #congratulations
• Grab your cap and gown, it’s time to graduate! Congrats and cheers to all graduates this year ⭐️🎓👩
• This marks the beginning of a new adventure #congratsgrad
• Congratulations on a job well done! Cheers to the future! #gradcap
• Grads, check out our grad essentials, curated to ensure you’re sneaking off to celebrate in style. 🎓🎉
• Congrats to the class of @xxxxxx and good luck on your next adventure! 🎓 #graduations2019
• A year ago I was strolling along the beach engrossed in my virtual reality headset, and now I’m graduating from college!
• Be on the lookout for your diploma. You deserve it. Congratulations #gradyear
• May your next adventure begins…right after you graduate. Congratulations—we’re proud of you.
• It’s never too late to graduate. Congrats!
• Get ready for an amazing year ahead—and don’t forget to celebrate the little wins along the way. Congrats, grad!
• Celebrating the next chapter with you. Congrats #gradclass2016.
• Drinking a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino with my future #gradcap on the score!
• I can see the light! I can see the light! 💡 Congratulations class of 2018.
• In memory of my alma mater, there’s only one thing to do: dance in the streets.
Funny Graduation Photo Captions
• Friends, family, and colleagues come from near and far to celebrate your achievements! ❤️ 🎓
• Being a graduate is an accomplishment worth celebrating and we hope our grads will celebrate their accomplishment with us. Congratulations!
• Congrats and good luck to the Class of 2016! #gradschool2016
• Crossing the stage is only the beginning. Here’s to a lifetime of success and achievements beyond your wildest dreams. Congratulations, grad! We’re proud of you—and all the great things ahead.
• Anyone else gonna is up to all night cramming? #graduation #cram
• Class of 2018 I’m so proud of you. You’re ready to go out there and do awesome things. Congrats!
• Celebrate the new grads and their accomplishments at Starbucks. It’s always been a privilege to be your coffee shop. Now, it’s an even bigger pleasure to be your everything shop.
• Saluting your achievements in college and sending lots of love!
• To graduate is to never stop learning. Graduate, and never stop growing.
• Don’t get emotional, we’re just looking at photos. Even though this day will be remembered forever, the book is closed on high school and it’s time to start a new chapter. Congrats Class of 2017.
• ✔️Goodbye to the sleepless nights, indeed. Thank you, college ☠️! You’re the best part of me.
• Sometimes you need to go awkwardly high with the graduation cap for the laughs. (And your mom.) Graduation caps, mortarboards, and tassels soon, too.
• Don’t forget your diploma (and plant) on the way out. #graduation #graduate
• Literal graduation robes.
• Smile your diploma smile. Class of 2018, you did it! 🎓
• Congratulations on your graduation! There are a few things you should know before you leave the nest
• Hearing the deans read off names of all the graduates was pretty surreal. It felt like we were watching a movie but it was happening to us. A feeling of awe and accomplishment. #commencement #itfeelslikemovie
• The future is filled with limitless potential. Open your mind and be open to new experiences. 💥 #Graduation #Classof2017
• May your next chapter be filled with as much excitement as your grad hat 👖
• I say diplomas are overrated. I don’t have a degree, but I still know how to read.
• Good luck to everyone graduating this year 👏 Just remember, diploma or not, your true test is out there in the real world.
• Good luck to all the Class of 2019! Here’s to four great years 😊 #graduationtoast
• It’s hard to leave this place but it’ll be okay bc you’re about to change everything. To that grad 🎓 #graduationday #leavingcollege
• Let the four-year gardens of wisdom begin! #graduationcap #backtoschoolblogger
• Get smart – college is just the beginning.
• Graduating with a degree is an accomplishment, so take a moment to reflect on what you’ve
• done before moving forward. You made it this far ❤️ #graduationtime ##
• Congrats, grad. You did it! ☺😎
• Best wishes and congratulations to the Class of 2019.
• It’s not loving unless you look like a freshly pressed crisp dollar bill on a warm day in June when you bump into them.
• Graduation is a turning point in the journey of life. It is a series of moments to make memories that last forever. Happy graduation!
• Rock those new grads 👋👋
• This piece of paper isn’t a graduation ticket. It’s a way to live your life and make up for what you’re about to leave behind.
• Never let anyone tell you you can’t! Congratulations on your graduation #graduation2017
• Congratulations, #GraduatingClass2019! We’re proud to toast your new chapter
• together. Here’s to staying connected long after you leave the stage today and beyond.
• Somewhere out there in this crazy world, It’s a Graduate from the University of the Best Party
You’ll Ever Have!
• Moments spent creating memories of the past and hopes for the future are time well spent.
• Congratulations on finishing high school.
• Congratulations to the Class of 2017! Thanks for leaving your mark here at Wake Forest. We
• wish you great success in all your future adventures and will be cheering for you from afar.
• It’s a diploma, not a death sentence.
• Smart women are those who set goals, then work hard to achieve them. Congratulations to this class!
• Congrats to the graduate! Tonight we will toast to you and your future successes. 🥂 #Graduation #GraduationCaption
• Striving for academic excellence is the ultimate #personalbest. Congrats and Grats! #graduation
• All good things must come to an end, but oh boy is this one sweet ending. Congrats and cheers to the class of 2018. #Congrats2018grads 🎓
• Congratulations on finishing another marathon. Now, time to sign up for another.