Cold Weather Funny Facebook Status

Cold Weather Funny Facebook Status: Just when you thought the snow couldn’t get any worse, your Facebook page starts posting funny jokes about winter. Winter is the time of year when Americans struggle with outdoor activities. Cold weather funny Facebook status is easy to share. Now let’s see what funny statuses they can post to make their friends laugh.

Cold Weather Funny Facebook Status

  • If you love the cold weather, I will pray for your soul.


  • Everyone is always complaining about the cold, but I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a person who doesn’t love to wrap up and get cozy ☕️🌨


  • I’ve never been more excited to scrape snow off my windshield and make a giant ice block in my driveway. Winter is here!


  • I’m not cold! I’m just…storing up warmth for later.


  • I don’t think it’s cold outside. I think that I’m cold.


  • I hate the feeling when you are cold. But you’re in bed and it’s really hard to get up and get a blanket.


  • Winter is coming. May the heating be with you.


  • I think we’re ready for winter. I’m just not sure winter is ready for us.


  • Winter is coming… and I’m bringing tacos 🌮


  • Winter is coming!


  • My mom says that the best way to stay warm is by creating your own body heat. That must be why I always feel so hot after eating spicy food! 😂


  • My winter is canceled. I am moving to the sun ☀


  • Whoever said that you couldn’t get the flu from getting brain freeze has never put their tongue on a cold bicycle seat.


  • Cold weather is nature’s way of telling people to go back inside.


  • I like cold weather better because you can snuggle in bed and it’s comfortable.


  • Going outside to face the cold. Wish me luck!


  • It’s so cold outside that I almost got into a fight with inanimate objects just to stay warm.


  • I can’t wait until it is too cold to go outside and I have to stay inside all day.


  • The best thing about the weather finally cooling off is being able to walk really fast and still be cold.


  • Gotta get ready for the big snowstorm! Gonna go to the store and stock up on hot chocolate, marshmallows, and a shovel.


  • I feel like a hot coffee and a blizzard had a baby.


  • This is the most I have worn winter clothes, thanks quarantine!


  • Snow is coming, so I’m breaking out my winter onesie. Hopefully, someone will bring me some hot chocolate.


  • If you name your dog “Chilly”, is that a get out of jail free card if they kill something?


  • I have a feeling that someone, somewhere is trying to make it impossible for me to leave the house.


  • My idea of a good night out is staying in.


  • Cold weather makes me appreciate the simple things in life….like wine and my hot water bottle.


  • I don’t like the cold weather, but if it brings hot chocolate then let’s just say that I’m suddenly very okay with winter!


  • You don’t put a sweater on a 3-year-old without getting kicked in the face. #coldweatherhassles


  • It’s so cold outside that even my dog is giving me a weird look every time I walk out the door.


  • Cold weather makes you mean and ornery. You should never go out without mittens and a snowsuit with a hood.


  • The motto for this cold weather – Walking on the reservoir is a fresh start to a new day.


  • It’s cold enough outside to freeze ice


  • Winter, I’m so over you. Let’s break up.


  • As the temperature drops, it’s to remind you that I’m still younger than you.


  • If you love winter so much, move to the North Pole already! We are not impressed by your car-controlled heater.


  • I’m not cold. I’m just quite hot with a delayed response


  • Winter is coming. I am ready. I have been eating raw onions every day for breakfast.


  • Look into my eyes and catch my cold.


  • Winter is not a season, it’s a celebration! (happy cold weather!)


  • Dear cold weather, bring your A-game! I’m not afraid of you.


  • I’m not cold, I’m just embracing the chilly weather.


  • It’s so cold that you know it’s going to snow because you can see your breath…in the house.


  • I am not going to lie. I love it due to the weather. It means I can stay at home and have a hot chocolate and watch TV with my blanket.


  • I put on so much clothing preparing for the cold that I felt more like a snowman than a person.


  • If you think the weather is bad where you are, know that the Weather Channel reports that a “wintry mix” is headed this way. 🧊


  • Besides chillin’, I really don’t see the point of winter.


  • I would make a joke about the cold, but you probably wouldn’t get it.


  • The one thing I’ve learned this winter is that if it looks like water, it might be ice.


  • Either global warming is real or I have a horrible metabolism.


  • The snow was so deep that when I fell out of bed, I missed it.


  • Snowflakes are God’s kisses.


  • The human body is 75% water. And I’m thirsty.


  • Cold weather makes me depressed…and broke. I need to spice up my cold weather fashion.


  • Winter is here! And it’s stuck on COLD.


  • Cold outside? My house is 75 and humid. I feel like a rainforest in here.


  • When you go outside and wonder why it’s so cold, then remember the polar vortex is coming.


  • It’s so cold out. I looked at a dog today and it was shivering.


  • I am not a winter person. But I am a person who enjoys hot chocolate, a warm fireplace, and scarves so it’s pretty much the same thing.


  • It’s not just cold, it’s flu season. I had a date last week and the girl sneezed three times while we were sitting at a bar.


  • You know there’s a chill in the air when you see people walking around with their eyebrows on.


  • It’s chilly outside, but my friends from Home Depot left a bucket of extra hot water out for me to warm up.


  • Winter is coming… I hope it’s bringing a sweater!


  • What is it about warm weather that makes people who normally have no upper body strength decide to wash their car?


  • When a door closes, All the other doors open .. but you only go out for cigarettes.


  • “A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.” ― Carl Reiner


  • If your cold-weather Facebook status is the only way we know you’re alive, then it’s time for us to unfriend you.


  • Cold weather? More like cold beer weather!


  • I think this cold weather is messing with my mind. I was just sitting in my car and it hit me: “where the hell did I park?”


  • It was so cold outside I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.


  • The only good thing about colder weather is I can wear my oversized sweater 🙂


  • Is it me or is it unusually cold outside?


  • It’s not cold outside, it’s just a little brisk out there.


  • I’m not a fan of the cold but I’m totally enjoying all of the warm coffee and movies


  • Thanks to the wind chill, this morning’s temperature was measured in square feet.


  • Be careful what you wish for, I wished for winter to be over and I got my wish!


  • I’ve finally figured out what I don’t like about winter. It’s all of it.


  • I’m so over the weather but the weather just won’t get over me. 😲


  • I have an amazing idea for fall and winter. Instead of Winterizing our cars we should just buy a car for each season.


  • I hope this morning’s weather is a good indication of how the rest of my day will be.


  • Not sure whether to hibernate or hydrate.


  • I can do anything in cold weather, except be outside when it’s cold.


  • It’s so cold outside I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets.


  • It’s so cold that I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets.


  • It’s so cold today that I saw a gangster pull his pants up!


  • it’s so cold I just saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.


  • The downside of winter is it’s too cold to go back outside and make a better snowman.


  • This winter is too cold for me.


  • All the time people are complaining about the cold weather. Do they not know that you can put on a sweatshirt? It’s called clothing, use it!


  • I don’t need to wonder if it’s cold outside this morning, because the 50-degree difference between inside and out is enough. Brrrr!


  • It’s like you can see your breath. It’s winter, right?


  • If you need me, I’ll be in my blanket burrito sipping hot chocolate and scrolling through memes.


  • The only bad part about winter is melting into a puddle of sadness on the first day of spring


  • Here’s to the day when I can officially say that Fall is my favorite season.


  • Weather forecast for this weekend: Mostly sunny with a chance of wine.


  • The best way to predict the future is to create it. – Abraham Lincoln


  • Please tell me this cold weather will be over soon! I’m not made for these temperatures.


  • Hey winter! I’m going to be honest. I don’t like you and I think we need to break up.


  • If you thought the weather was cold now, just wait.


  • It’s so cold I actually didn’t mind getting up for work at 5AM today.


  • I need to stop at the store for everything except groceries, I have no food in my house. #cold


  • The weather outside is frightful and so are your jokes 🌨


  • I declare this Winter FREEZING!


  • Winter has come… Good luck getting rid of your winter coat this spring.


  • Does it ever feel like winter is the only season that’s also a state of mind?


  • If it snows on Christmas eve, then cancel the next day’s plans. Be spontaneous. Play in the snow.


  • I’m not saying it’s cold outside, but I saw a politician with his hands in someone else’s pocket.


  • I wonder what a winter storm smells like?


  • This is Chicago. You can have a heat wave, an ice storm and a tornado on the same day. That’s why they recommend that you wear a helmet everywhere you go.


  • Fall is nature’s way of saying, ‘Up yours’

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