Emotional Letter to Best Friend to Make Him Cry


An emotional letter to best friend to make him cry is a pretty good way to show your love and keep the relationship lasting. It is about how to express your love for the person who has done a lot for you.


Emotional Letter to Best Friend to Make Him Cry

  • I want you to know that I love you and care about you. I am so thankful for the great friendship we share. Thanks for being a great friend to me through times good and bad.


  • My heart is breaking, but I have to let you know that I can’t do this anymore. It’s not just you, it’s me too. Either one of us can make things better, and yet we still choose to roll around in the mud like pigs. I love you so much.


  • Gone are the days when you and I used to ride on those bikes of ours. It’s not the same, but I know someday soon we’ll all be back together again. I wish we could go back just for one day so I could hug you and kiss you and tell you how much you mean to me.


  • I will miss our long talks and your good advice. We have been through so much together, but I can’t deny that you make me feel alive. I am so lucky to have met you and I look forward to all the good times ahead of us.


  • I’ve missed you. I know that we are a lot of miles away from each other, but I feel like you’re always here with me. Every day since we went to the movies together, I felt like you were right next to me.


  • I’ve never met a person like you. You are such an amazing guy, so humble and kind to everyone. I love being around you and I can’t help but smile when I’m with you. People look at us because we’re so happy together.


  • You are my knight in shining armor, and I love you because of who you are deep down inside. You always have and always will have my heart. You bring me a love like no other. I am so lucky to have another person in this world that wonderfully understands me, and all the things that go on in my crazy head. I just can’t wait to see what this wonderful guy has in store for me next time I see him.


  • My dear friend, there are some things you don’t know about me. You don’t know that I have been to the edge of life and thought about jumping over many times since I was young. You don’t know how bad it can get, how dark it can be inside my head.


  • I can’t put into words how much you mean to me. I can’t believe how lucky I am that we became friends. I love you so much and I feel so blessed for every day I get to spend with you.


  • Thanks for being my best friend. I wouldn’t have made it through life without you by my side. I love you with all my heart and hope we can stay friends forever!


  • Just wanted to let you know, sweetie, that I love you very much. You are the most loyal, caring, and wonderful man I have ever known. I know we’ve been through some tough times in the past, but you’ve stuck with me through thick and thin. Your friendship is precious to me, and being a part of your life is an honour.


  • I’ve been friends with you for such a long time and we have had so many memories together that I thought I should write them all down, so they don’t get lost.


  • I hope that you like this emotional letter to your best friend to make him cry. This will be short but I think it’ll mean a lot to you. You’re the most important person in my life and there is no one else I want by my side through every up and down we may face. I’m so lucky to have someone so close and like-minded who I can always rely on and can be myself around.


  • It is hard to tell you how much I care about you and how much you mean to me. You are my best friend, and I feel like something is missing when we don’t get to talk. Whenever things get rough, even if it’s a little thing, I want to come to you and cry on your shoulder. Thank you for being my rock and always lifting me when I’m down.


  • My friend, I have heard that time heals all hurts. I wonder sometimes if this is true. For the longest time, I thought no one could understand how much you meant to me. Your memories are what holds me together now. My life is not the same without you. You were a part of me and a huge piece of my heart is missing because of it.


  • You have been my best friend since the day I met you. I love you because of your warm heart, the extra hour you give me out of your day every day, and your ability to make me laugh. Stay Awesome!!


  • You are the most amazing friend I could have ever asked for. You are such a great listener, you care so much even when I don’t want you to and you just understand things in a way that not many people do. We’ve been through countless conversations and we each know the other better than anyone else in the world. You refuse to let me wallow out my sadness, even though I often try to do it myself and keep on me to move forward.


  • I don’t know where I would be in this world without you. You are my shoulder to cry on, the one person I can always count on. We have been through so much together and I treasure every moment of it. You are the most incredible thing in my life and there isn’t enough time in a day for me to be thankful for you.


  • Let me tell you something about my best friend, there is so much I have to say. He is the best person I have ever known, always caring and supportive. I’ve never seen him sad or angry, and he always brightens my day. So thanks for being such a good friend because you mean so much to me.


  • I’m so happy that we have each other to lean on. I couldn’t imagine going through this alone. When I think of my life, there are only two things that I wouldn’t change- your friendship and my name. You’re my best friend, the person that understands me best. Well…I didn’t intend to make this emotional, but you know how it is? It just comes out like that sometimes.


  • My best friend, my brother, my shoulder to cry on, the one I know that can make me laugh no matter how bad life gets. You are a reflection of me and I love you with all my heart. I want nothing more than for you to be happy and be loved back just as much. Sometimes I feel lost without you; lost and alone in this big world. You are a big part of who I am and always will be. Do you remember the first day we met


  • Writing this has made me realize I love you more than a friend. I want to be with you forever, this desire grows stronger each day. Everything about you is so perfect, your smile gives me butterflies. There’s no other way for me to explain what you mean to me. It’s more than butterflies, it’s sheer perfection.


  • Dear friend, I’ve thought about you a lot today. You are such a great person. I am so grateful for you in my life I hope we will forever be good friends. I know that whenever I need someone to lean on, you are always there for me.


  • the time we spend with each other is my favorite part of the day. You are just what I need to feel alive and excited. I love you so much that it hurts my heart when we are apart.


  • I miss you so much! I feel like we haven’t talked in ages! I don’t know what this would be without you. You’ve been my best friend for years and your support means the world to me. Thanks for always being there for me and for making each day special.


  • I’m not sure how I ever got so lucky to have someone like you in my life. You are such an amazing friend and I love spending time with you. It doesn’t even matter if it’s just going to the park or talking on the phone, I always enjoy being with you! You are such a kind, sweet and caring person that I can’t help but be drawn to you!


  • It feels like I have always known you. Every time I am sad, or think about the future I have this joy come over me that is unexplainable. You mean the world to me. I don’t feel whole without you. I love you!


  • Our relationship is incredible. I can’t believe how lucky we are to have each other. Wake up every morning and tell me I love you, watch a movie with me, and give me the biggest hug ever. I love it!


  • I have to say that it was from the first time I met you, I was fall in love with you. I love every single thing about you .. you are so handsome, kind, generous but more important you always understand me!


  • My dear friend, You are the one person who has always cared for and loved me through everything. There are no words to express how much I love you; you’re truly so precious to me.


  • Throughout the past few years, we’ve seen each other at our best and our worst. You have always been by my side through the hard times, but also made the good times much better. I love you, my best friend. There are no words to describe how much I love and appreciate your friendship.


  • Hey baby buddy! How are you? I hope you’re well. It’s crazy to think that it’s already been 3 years since college. We have been through so much and have had a lot of fun together. You are my best friend in the whole world and I am so thankful that we have been able to spend our lives together. I love you!!!


  • When I saw you today, it made me realize how much I miss you. You are such a great guy who cares so much. You deserve the world. Always remember that I am here for you. I care about you more than anything else in the universe.


  • My best friend, you are a great friend. You always put up with me. I know I’m not easy to handle but you did it. I love you so much and I will never leave you or stop caring about you. Stay with me forever and stay with me till our dying day. I love you best friend love note


  • You have been my best friend for as long as I can remember. You are more than a friend to me, you are my brother, my best friend, and the love of my life. No matter what comes between us, nothing will ever change that I’ll always be right here next to you.


  • I love you so much. You’re my best friend, the person I know I can count on. The one I feel the most comfortable around. I would do anything for you and you know that you are in my heart always.


  • Life without you would be a boring, lonely place. You make me laugh and smile more than anyone I know. I am so glad to have you in my life!


  • Hey buddy! It’s been so long since we saw each other. I know you were busy lately but make some time for us, will ya? I want you to be here when I need you. Things are not the same anymore. College stress is heavy and it’s nice to have someone you can trust, talk to and do crazy stuff with.


  • I am so proud of our friendship. We have been through so much together. You have always been there for me when I’ve needed you most and I will never forget that. It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since we’ve been friends, but time just flies by! Thanks for being such a great friend and making my life better!


  • Dear friend, I will always cherish and honor every memory we’ve created together. However today I want to tell you that there’s a lot more that I cherish. You have been the most memorable time of my life. Countless nights have been the best just because you were there.


  • Let me tell you something about you, my friend. I love to be a part of your life and I feel that I can always rely on you. You are so kind, funny, and smart and this is why I feel very privileged to have a friend like you – my best friend!


  • I don’t always show it, but you are one of the most important people in my life. You have been there through every tear and smile and I appreciate you more than you know. You are stronger than any person I have ever met and I love that about you. Thank you for being such a great friend.


  • I thought about all we’ve been through and it made me incredibly proud to know you are my best friend. I am so happy that our journey is far from over.


  • It has been a rough time for us lately, but that doesn’t mean our friendship is any less strong. I’ve had plenty of time to think about what I want from you and I have concluded that friendship is all that matters to me. We are best friends forever no matter what.


  • Hi, I’m, a friend of yours. However, we have never officially met. Although we haven’t met properly, right now, you’re reading my letter so we have met in a way.


  • I am so glad to have you in my life. You are one of a kind and it’s amazing to find someone who I can relate to so much. You are truly amazing and I want you to know how grateful I am that we are together. Thank you for being you, the most incredible guy on the planet. I love you!


  • I’m so glad we met. I want you to know how much you mean to me and how happy of a friend you are. I don’t know where I would be without you. When times are tough you always help me find the light at the end of the tunnel. I love sharing our adventures and having fun together. You make life worth living.


  • I’ve been thinking a lot lately, sitting here wondering what you’re doing and how you’re feeling. I know that you are going through a rough spot in your life right now, and I wish there was more I could do to help you through it.


  • The first time I ever saw you, I wanted to talk to you. The first time I talked to you, I wanted to be your friend. The first time I was your friend, I wanted to be your boyfriend. I’m glad that all those things happened though because if they hadn’t happened, then we wouldn’t be the best of friends today!

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