Did you land on this page because you are looking for some funny captions for a photo of you and your dad? You landed at the right website. What’s better than dad jokes? Funny dad joke captions for Instagram, that’s what! Yes. I said it. Better than actual dad jokes.
Funny Dad Joke Captions For Instagram
My dad could never fix a bicycle, but he could always fix my broken heart.
I used to be indecisive. #dadmeme
When I opened a bag of chips for the first time, it was scary. Thought I’d need to call my dad.
Just when we thought dad jokes couldn’t get any better. 😉 Loving this #FlashbackFriday memory!
So, your dad’s a little funny-looking? He probably finds you kind of weird-looking too.
At least I’m not as bad of a dad as my own dad.
Like father, like son.
He’s the funniest guy in the neighborhood—or at least on your Instagram feed 🙌#funnydad
Dads have humour too. Because they also have kids who are hilarious! Here’s to the dads who light up their kids’ lives– and ours! * 😃
So, your dad is obviously pretty great. However, his joke-telling skills need a little work. 🤔
Ever wonder if they have a cheese for every dad joke? THEY DO.
When your toddler’s looking tired.
“My dad is hilarious. He thinks that because my hair is red, I’m Irish.”
From the time my kids could walk, they were helping me clean, paint and help build.
My mind’s telling me, no, but my heart’s saying “go for it” #dadjokes
You had a rough night last night, right? Good. I want to do everything myself. #parenting
Oh, dad, you’re just old enough to be that #adult who says the dorkiest things. 😂 😂
Your dad jokes are bad, and that’s why they’re funny. Happy Father’s Day 🙂
Do any of the other dads in your child’s life tell Dad jokes like this?
Answered 300 calls. Zero texts back. Knocked on bathroom door 400 times. Finally heard the toilet flush. Found my dad in there reading a magazine. #dadjoke
If you truly love someone, then you need to set them free at home, with the kids. Happy Father’s Day!
My dad loves when I help with the dishes. That’s why he made those dishtowels extra big so I wouldn’t have to bend over. 😆
Did you hear about the lawyer’s son who was admitted to law school? He broke in!
If Dad’s out on the water – he’ll always have his battery fully charged to catch all those moments ✔
This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life. – Dad
Your sons will be your favourites, proudest dads on the planet 🌎
A psychiatrist’s guide to raising a kid: 1. They’re right all the time. 2. It’s never your fault. 3. You just need to relax and enjoy life, because you’re doing a great job. #dadjokes
A daughter is only one of many things a father does. But the best thing he can do.
Did your dad ever tell you how much he did grow up?
We can’t wait for dad to put the kids to bed.
I’m trying really hard to be a better father, one who practices what he preaches. You have no idea how many times I’ve said that since becoming a dad and then promptly did whatever I wanted without regard for my children
You can take the boy out of the gym, but you can’t take the gym out of the bar. #funnydadjokes
We’re not saying we have the answers to life or anything, but maybe this will make you feel better about it all. 🤷♂️ #dadjokes
I love the smell of a dad joke in the morning. #dadjoke
Happiness is a beautiful new boat and maybe some dad humor 😉 #dadjokes
“Today’s my birthday. Give me a beer and a hug.”
Dads have a curious way of making annoying things sound amazing.
Like the dad who tells them, these #DadJokes are a real treat.
If a dad does it, it’s a good idea!
All kids think their dad is a superhero. But I feel like my dad is the Hulk. He’s always angry and super strong.
Yep, my dad is a dentist 😂
Dad jokes are like pruning shears—painful for kids but funny to dads. #dadjokes
Dad Jokes. They’re like ice cream, I like mine with a little sugar on top. #dadjokes #dadhumor
The best dad in the world — I wish every dad was just like mine. He’s super cool.
Dad jokes. Because sometimes the best way to tell if you’re a good dad is if you can make your kid frown with a pun.
My dad has this weird habit of channeling his creativity into corny jokes that never fail to make me laugh out loud. It’s a thing we do, and I totally love it.
When life gives you lemons, you make a hilarious dad joke and include your own hashtag. 😂#dad #joke #humour
We wish you an unfunny Father’s Day. Hope this crummy card brightens your day a little. Have an awful day. #bestfatherdaygifts
Every dad is nothing short of a super-dad. #DadJoke #FathersDay.
You can’t teach a toddler about mowing the lawn, but you can watch them try. #dad
Dad: where did I go wrong with you, kid? Me: *to myself* the day you met me. 🤣 #dadjokes
Ever since I became a father, my daughter seems to think that the TV remote is something that I would really like.
Happy third birthday, son. You’re the best thing I ever did without planning to—you were a surprise, but definitely not an accident. 😊
OK, you got me—I’m a pretty great dad.
My daughter pretending to be a Washington Wizards fan.
A father is a banker provided by nature.
Somebody’s spending the night at the mall for their birthday—common dad.
“Heard someone say they’re ‘funny dad.’ No one ever said I was funny, but I make me laugh.”
Nothing but love today for the best dad in the world. Happy dads’ day to the best dad in the world.
Be a Dad. You’re going to be great.
A dad who always cracks the best jokes.
Laughter is the best medicine, so Dad, let’s get cracking on these healing ha-ha’s!
A dad’s job is always complete, even if it’s just to be an amazing dad.
Kids say the funniest things, and Dad jokes are no exception.
My dad passed away when I was 11. He spent his life making people laugh.
Any dad can build a plane for Santa. It takes imagination, skill, and patience to build a toy drone, though.
Men are the reason why women don’t like their bodies. I choose to be one of the few men who do, make your son or daughter someone who does too. #dadjokes
My dad was so fun that he sent me to school with a suitcase full of fishing gear.
So, my kid got to school today, guess who was late? The milkman. ☀🥛
I love my dad. I like him as a friend. He pays for my stuff and makes food puns #truestory
Feed your dad’s spirit of adventure this Father’s Day and he’ll be certain to take you on a fun family adventure. Happy Father’s Day!
Your father is your first role model. Whoever he may be, you will always see him as the man to look up to.
A dad can be both sterns when he needs to be and in charge of the most epic pranks. Happy dad’s Day.
I’m so sad that I only read 10 pages of the 500-page historical fiction novel my daughter gave me on Father’s Day.
Some days it’s not worth shaving. So, I’m an exhibit A of proof. —Dad Joke
Dad: When I was your age, I used to eat crayons. Me: I’m sorry, what? Dad: No, I really did! Me: Okay. Goodnight.
When your dads remind you, she’s making dinner tonight. 😐
If you love dad jokes, then this is the collection for you. From classics to puns, these will have you laughing out loud anytime.
I like my coffee like I like my #dad–dark and full of awesome. 😂👴👵☕️
You can always tell how good a dad is by how far away from the kids he has to sit during church.
My dad’s jokes are so bad they’re good.
How many fathers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two: One to screw it in and one to hold the baby.
When someone asks me what my daughter was like before she could talk.
“The key to a great dad joke is keeping it short and simple.” – A wise man once said. 🍁
I noticed there were a bunch of dad jokes in the comments so I decided to read each one carefully… turns out they aren’t all that funny.
I love it when dad tells the same pun over and over again.
Dad. Someone who has the patience to listen to your stupid jokes, put up with your mood swings, and still love you.
I sent dad a selfie and he autotuned it.
Dad, you taught me how to tie my shoes, how to ride a bike, how to milk a cow… now let’s see if you can get this lid off.
I never met a game I didn’t want to play—including a son. See dad run. Run, dad, run!
We always find time for a family movie night; we love you all.
My daughter calls me daddy, and everyone else calls me sir.
The best part of waking up is the excuse to stay in bed. #bestdadever #dadjokes #dadhumor
Don’t tell dad. I bought an Infiniti.
Didn’t have a dad growing up? You’re actually lucky. Think of all the things you didn’t have to buy.
Getting old is mandatory, growing up is optional.
A dad jokes so bad it’ll make you laugh out loud, even if you just used the bathroom
Your dad may not be the strongest, tallest, smartest or best-looking parent ever. But he’s the one who will always be there 😂😂
My dad is the turkey whisperer. No one can cut and carve a roast like my dad.
The best part of waking up is, me and coffee together.

Funny Dad Joke Quotes
Dad: So why exactly are you still single?
“I got two belts: a tool belt and a strong belt to hold up my pants.”
Your dad isn’t the only one who can make you laugh. Here are some dad jokes to help you have some fun in life.
Your dad may not be cool, but dad jokes are. 😁
You know what they say — the best way to a man’s heart is through laughter.
Dads just want to make sure their daughters are safe. And what better way than having them drive a herd of cows through the big city. #dadjokes
Reading classic literature is a tradition in my family that goes back generations. That’s why I’m pretty nostalgic when it comes to old-school humour—I love dad jokes!
I’m a great dad because I change diapers, feed the baby, rock the baby and burp the baby. That’s what everyone thinks is great about me.
To my Dad, who gave me the best gift ever. A sense of humour greater than his bank account. Happy birthday.
Dad: “What’s this?” Me: “A skateboard.” Dad: “Can I eat it?” #dadjokes
My dad is a superhero, but instead of saving the world, he makes all my bad days good.
Dad is the funniest man in this house. I mean he makes a fart joke out of anything! – my 3-year-old daughter
Dad jokes to make you groan and roll your eyes 😂 Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world #dadjokes
Dad: “How do you put up a tent?” Me: “You can’t – it’s TENT.” #funny #dadjokes #dadlife
A dad and a son are watching television, and the boy says, “Dad, I know what we need!” “What’s that?” responds the dad. “We need more cable channels!”
You know you’re my favourite, right?” -Dad
“If I had a dollar for every time I said ‘no’. I’d have one dollar.”
Hahaha! You can always count on your dad for a good laugh.
You laugh, I laugh, we’re all laughing that’s a dad joke.
If you have kids, then you are the source of all dad jokes.
My dad is the only one in my family who doesn’t understand Instagram. #NoFilter
This is my dad. He was the first one to give me life. You’ve got that right, pal.
My dad’s first rule of camping: make sure there’s an adult who doesn’t mind a little stress in their life.
Dad jokes are my favourite kind of jokes.
When a dad joke is too one-track to be a proper dad joke.
Dad: how many guys does it take to open a beer?
I’m a strong believer in 3 statements: 1. Kids should have Christmases, 2. Kids should have birthdays, and 3. I need a nap. #dadviews
Daughter: Dad, there’s a spider in my room. Can you kill it?
Tip: If you’re going to drink, your dad’s watching.
Dads, we love ’them to death. If they’ve escaped their role as the family funny man, it may be time to bring them back in.
Kids ask a lot of questions when you’re at the mall. But they reserve their most important ones for dad. #dadjoke #dadhumor
A dad is someone who helps you choose flowers for no reason. 🌸
Daughter: Wish you could be here, Daddy. Me: Me too, hon, but I’m at work all week. Daughter: That’s okay, because your job is super fun!
People ask me, “What’s the hardest part about being a parent?” So, I tell them, “Breaking the news to my parents.”
“I heard Dad once took a shot from a moving vehicle.”
A dad is a treasure that never fades away. 😊
My dad let me borrow his belt when I asked for a lasso. Dads are always there to help you out of a jam. ☺️
You know you’re a dad when you’re out with your kids and the toll booth operator looks at you in suspicion.
I told my dad that I missed him; he told me to put down the phone and go outside.
Your kid is on a sports team? Great! You’ll have to get used to the sideline in sandals and shorts.”
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