Good night quotes are very important to wish your lover a good night’s sleep. These quotes help you to make a romantic atmosphere with your lover at bedtime. If your partner is not close to you or travelling someplace then at the end of the day these quotes help you to send good night wishes for a lover through social media, text messages, emails, or phone calls. Goodnight messages bring loving feelings between couples and set the right mood before sleep time. Here’s a list of the best romantic good night quotes for lovers found online.
Good Night Quotes for Lovers (Husband)
• I am so lucky to have you in my life; you make this adventure not only a good one but, most of all, enjoyable. I love you. Thank you for being there with me through good times and bad, for laughing with me and crying with me. You are my best friend, lover, and confidant, all wrapped into one. I hope God keeps you safe tonight and always; good night, husband.
• Good night my dear. I know you must be tired from that long trip and it’s late already, but I just miss you so much. I hope your dreams are sweet, and I wish I could join you. Good night my love!
• Our love is sweet like sugar, soft like butter, and warm like chocolate. I fell deeply and madly in love with you the day we met. You bring me so much joy that I can’t stop smiling. Goodnight, my sweet darling, and remember to have sweet dreams!
• You are the greatest adventure I have ever been on. You are the best part of all my dreams come true. I am so glad you were sent to me to change my life for the best! Your love is all I’ll ever need. Good night my love! Sleep tight and sweet dreams
• I was just lying here thinking about you. I love the way you feel against me when we sleep and the way it feels when you wake up in the morning to a kiss from me. I am so lucky to have an amazing husband like you! Thanks for being there for me when I needed you. Goodnight, my love.
• I go to sleep every night with you on my mind and wake up with you by my side. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found the love of my life. I love you more than anything in the world, my baby.
• I can’t imagine a day without you. Having you in my life is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, and I thank God every day for bringing us together. I am so glad I get to wake up next to you each morning and fall asleep next to you each night. I love you always and forever.
• You are an amazing man, father, and husband. I love you so much. This past year has been full of fun, sadness, and adventure. Thank you for always being there for me at the end of the day. Good night my love!
• You are my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Your love is all I need. You truly have changed me as a person, and for that, I am ever grateful. Through every laugh, every smile, and every tear, you’re there holding my hand. Don’t ever think you are not enough because you will always be more than enough for me! Goodnight baby, I love you.
• As I lay here, my only regret is that you are not with me. I can’t stop thinking about how much I miss you. I wish you were here for the rest of the night, just holding me in your arms so that I didn’t have to sleep alone. My love, I will always be here for you whenever you want me, night or day. Good night my everything!
• I love you and just wanted to let you know sweet things before you fell asleep. I want to thank you for being here with me every step of the way and making my dreams come true. You’ve been there so many times to put a smile back on my face after a long day at work. You’re always the first person I think of in the morning, and I can’t wait for our future together. Goodnight baby!
• I love you, my darling; I care for your looks and feed your soul. I want to hold you close and keep you warm and keep all the hurt away so you can rest easy tonight. I will always cherish every moment we have together.
• I want to go to bed with you beside me and wake up with you in my arms. I want to grow old with you and watch our children play. I love your big smile and the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh. You are everything I could ever want. I love you: Goodnight, my love.
• I love you so much. I am a better person because of you. You are my joy, my laughter, my heart. You complete me in every way possible, and I can’t wait to grow old with you. Nighttime is the most special time for me; knowing you in a few hours makes it better. Good night love ____ (name) _________.
• I love you with my whole heart. I can’t imagine a life without you, which scares me because I don’t want to lose you. I promise to love and take care of you always. Good night my love!
• It feels like it was just yesterday we met and fell in love. You have changed my life for the better, and I can’t thank you enough. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my other half, and my soul mate. I love you more than anything. Goodnight, my sweetheart; I miss you dearly. I hope that your dreams are filled with us being together again…one day, soon!
• I pray that I may live to see the day that I can come home to you and wrap my arms around you. For now, the night is still young, and we are far away from each other. Just know my thoughts are with you and how much I love you.
• I look forward to that day when we can build our lives together again…
• I never imagined how empty life would be before I met you, and I’m so glad that we met. You had me at the first kiss, and my love for you grows stronger every day. Thank you for making me complete. I have never been happier or felt more loved. You’re my world!
• Thank you for being patient with me, for helping me in tough times and making happy ones, for showing me endless love and devotion. I feel blessed to have found a man like you. You are more than what I could have ever hoped for and will continue to be the greatest husband I could ask for. I love you so much!
• I love you more than myself. As I lay here and count all my blessings, I think of you first. You are the greatest gift to me and mine. I can’t imagine what life would be like without you in my life, but I don’t have to because there is nothing we can’t face together as long as we have each other. I love you so much! – Your Wife
• My heart is never contented unless it is in your arms. I love you so much that words cannot describe my feelings for you. May all your dreams and wishes come true -especially the one about having a wonderful goodnight.
• You are my love, my life, and my everything. I’m so lucky to have you by my side; I’m not sure where I would be without you. You are the ultimate example of what a good man should be. I just want to say that I love you! Good Night!
• I want you to know that my dreams are filled with doubts even when I dream of our future. They show me having a family with you, but it’s always so hard, and I never know how to get through it without you. Dreams are dreams, but you are the love of my life, and there’s no one else I would rather spend my days with. Goodnight & sweet dreams…
• Good night my love. I am lying here with you in my arms, and I can’t help but reflect on how lucky and happy I am. Every day that we wake up together is perfect, but tonight, above all of the others, was excellent. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Your sense of humour, your smile, and your love of life are what make me want to be better every day. Your love is something that I don’t deserve, but I have no desire to
• Good night my sweetheart. My day is complete knowing that I get to see you soon. I love you so much!!!
• Good night husband. I love you and hope that you have sweet dreams! Stop working and go to bed. kisses.
• Goodnight, sweetheart. Have a lovely slumber. May all your dreams come true. I love you so much!
• Good night my love! I want to wish you a good night and peaceful sleep. I know that we’re apart now, but all I want is you in my arms as we sleep.
• Goodnight, my love. I love you. It’s been hard, and I know we won’t see the light at the end of this tunnel, but we must never give up. If nothing else, at least think of our baby. At least think of our unborn child who depends on us for everything, who will now be deprived of the only thing it has ever needed to live: your love, your care, and your support.
• My husband, you are the kindest man I know. Such an excellent leader for our family. Each day you show your love for me in so many small ways, little notes that make my day, compliments here and there. I am constantly blown away by your kind heart. I will never be able to express how much I love and appreciate you! Please sleep well, my love.
• My love, as the stars cover the sky in the night, I want you to know that I will always be by your side. Whenever you look up at the stars, know that I wish upon a star for your happiness.

Good Night Quotes for Lovers (Wife)
• I have had many wishes in life, but the two most profound is that I would find my true love and live to become an older man. Because of you, both of those dreams have come true. You are my soul mate, and I will be forever grateful that we found each other. I love you with all my heart and soul. Good night my beautiful wife!
• Good night beautiful. The love of my life, I have never felt so loved. You are the greatest mother I could ever ask for. My heart skips a beat when you walk into the room.
• I look forward to forever being spent with you by my side.
• You know how much I love you, but I just wanted to send this to say goodnight. We may spend the day together or not, but I want you to know my love for you will never change. You mean more to me than anything in the world, and no matter what happens, we are in this together forever and always. I honour your love and your soul and thank God that I have the chance every day to bring you closer to me. I would be lost without you.
• Thank you for everything. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You fill me with love that is so powerful; I doubt even the mighty oceans have such a force. Your love keeps my heart warm and glowing for you. I am so lucky to have found you. Good night my sweetheart.
• I drift off to sleep every night, dreaming of you. And wake up every morning with you in my heart. Having you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my wife, my companion, my friend, the love of my life. I am so lucky that God gave me someone as unique as you.
• I love you more than anything, baby; I love you so much!! You have made my life so happy and full of light!! You are my princess, my queen, my everything, and I can’t live without you.
• I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you!!!
• Goodnight, my love. May the angels of heaven protect you; there’s no love quite like mine for you, sweetest dreams and goodnight. I’ll miss you; I hope your sleep is filled with sweet dreams.
• It is so hard to go to sleep, knowing how much I love you. Every time I close my eyes, the only thing I see is your beautiful face! Thank you for loving me—the most wonderful woman in the world.
• I wish I could be by your side every night and wake up by your side every morning. You are the love of my life, and I will love you forever.
• I love you so much! I don’t want this night to end. I could stay here like this with you forever. I always feel better when you are near me, but I don’t know if it’s your smile or the sound of your voice or the way my heart races when you touch me.
• Darling, you are the only woman in my life, the one I love and dream with. You have brought so much joy to my life that I can’t stop smiling. My heart belongs to you!
• Goodnight, my love. I’m looking forward to waking up next to you tomorrow morning. I love you and don’t ever forget that.
• When I wake up in the morning, I’m looking forward to seeing your beautiful face. Time and time again, you have made me feel so exceptional. Through the good times and the bad, I am here for you. With every new day comes hope and promise that this will be a very good year for us. I love being your husband!
• I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. Thank you for being the most loving, passionate, and unique partner. Good night.”
• I love you more than you will ever know, and when I look in your eyes, I see a reflection of my own. I am so blessed to have a wife like you; you are such an amazing woman!
• Every night I go to sleep, I have a big smile on my face because of you. Every night when I wake up, the first thing I think of is YOU and how to make your day awesome. I didn’t know what it was like to truly love someone until you came into my life. You make me laugh so hard that tears roll down my cheeks; you are my best friend and my soul mate. When I look deep into your beautiful eyes, I see the love tucked
• As you sleep, you think of me. As I sleep, I dream of you. And when the world far away screams your name, I touch your heart in a single kiss. However far we are apart, my love is always right behind you.”
• I don’t often tell you how much I love you, but I do. I silently tell you every day when I wake up and go to sleep. Every time I see your face, my heart skips a beat, and I get butterflies in my tummy. I can’t wait for the day our paths cross so that my life can be filled with happiness!
• I saw your face in a dream; I kiss your cheek in my sleep. I wish you could rest your weary head on my chest so that you can hear my beating heart!
• I am so blessed to have a wife as extraordinary as you are. You indeed are the most amazing woman in the world. The time we share between us is always particular, and my love for you pulls me through every day. I love you more than I ever thought possible! Good night, my beautiful angel!
• May your night be filled with beautiful dreams and incredible memories to cherish forever. Good night my love!
• I have been spending a lot of nights away from you, and I miss you so much. I go to bed with thoughts of you and wake up longing for you. I know this will all be ending soon, but every day is a reminder that you are not near. Good night sweetheart. I love you!
• You are my angel; each night, I pray that you will be safe and that the morning brings you closer to me. Have a beautiful dream tonight.
• Goodnight, my love. Have sweet dreams; I’ll see you in my dreams tonight!!
• I adore you in every way. Every minute I’m not near you, I miss you. You are my angel and the air that I breathe. You’re the light of my life―what makes everything worth living for. My love for you grows stronger every day and never ends. Thank heavens for us!
• Sending you kisses, hugs, and cuddles as I think of how much I love you. Have a great night.
• Goodnight, my love. I hope you sleep tight and have the sweetest dreams. I can’t wait to see you in the morning; I love you.
• I don’t say “I love you” enough to you but mean it very much. I would not trade our love for anything in the world. You are unique and bring me so much joy. I am so lucky to have found you and call you my wife! Good night my love, don’t forget that I love you and that I know God brought us together through all the craziness we found each other. He makes the impossible possible. I love you
• I know how lucky I am to have you, to wake up every morning with you by my side. You are everything to me. From that first glance at the bus stop, I knew I had to have you. You’re my soul mate, and I can’t wait for a future of so many adventures together. Good night my love, sleep well.
• Good Night! The sweetest prayer of all is to be found in your heart and be whispered into your beloved’s ears – Good Night and Sweet Dreams.
• I wish I could look into your eyes, hold your hand, and whisper to you my love for you. I wish I were by your side to feel your warmth and the gentleness of your touch. To be with you, my passion is all that matters to me. I will be with you tonight in my heart and soul so that in sleep’s reign, we may lay together once again until the morning’s light.
• I love you more than I have ever found a way to say. If my heart were made of words, it would tell you every second of every day. Rest in peace, my love, until we meet again… I will always love you…
• I cannot sleep without saying, “Goodnight, my love.” Because today was a perfect day, and I want to end it on a perfect note by thinking about you. It isn’t possible to not think of you, because your smile is always in my mind. Every time I look at the moon, my thoughts go to you, and all I wish for is that we will forever be together. Good night and sweet dreams, my love.
• I love you, and I miss you. I am so glad you are my wife! I pray you to have sweet dreams and a fantastic night full of smiles. Sweet, sweet dreams, my love!
• I love you, my sweet wife. May God bless and keep you safe tonight. Sweet dreams, baby.
• I am so grateful to have you in my life. You bring joy, love, and happiness into my world. You are my best friend, and I am so proud to call you mine. Go off to bed, beautiful girl; I will see you in the morning with lots of kisses and hugs from me!
• The time we share is the best time of my life. Every morning I look forward to waking up beside you, kissing your sweet lips, and just looking into your beautiful eyes. You are my best friend, and my life knows what I would do without you.
Good Night Quotes for Lovers (Him/Her)
• Good night and sweet dreams, my beautiful friend. May God bless you with everything that you need. The moon is bright, the sky is clear, and only stars illuminate the silence of the night. I hope that it gives you enough warmth to be able to sleep well, even though you’re far away in a different timezone. I am sending you my love, with all my best wishes for tomorrow!
• I love you, my friend. You deserve the world, but I’m glad you have me. Good night my friend, sweet dreams.
• Goodnight… my best friend. I love you so much. Thinking of you makes every night in this hotel room worth it.
• Goodnight, my love! Sweet dreams, I hope you sleep well in my arms. You are the sun in my day and the moon in mine. I can’t wait to see you again.
• A good friend is the best gift you can ever give yourself. Someone who is there to pick you up when you are down. Someone who will bail you out of jail, bankroll your business, cook for you when your sick, and celebrate with you when success comes your way. A good friend loves all of your hugs and kisses, but they continue to give them even when you forgot about this love forever. They never leave you stranded in the cold snowstorm feeling alone because of a good friend. Good night dearest.
• Although we fight sometimes, it’s not a big deal, we are friends, right?! We can talk about anything and everything. You’re my best girlfriend, and I love you to bits. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. Goodnight!
• I just want to let you know I love you and that I miss you when you’re not around. Once again, good night, my friend. I am sending a kiss to every star in the sky just to wish you a good night. Good morning my friend!
• A prayer for you, may God bless you and grant you peace, may your heart be filled with love, happiness, friendship, and God’s divine grace. I miss you so much… Good Night. Take care of yourself. God Bless You!
• When I am away from you, I fall asleep, counting the stars that winking at me, reminding me of how lucky I am to have you as my best friend. Good Night!
• All of my friends are lovely, kind, sweet souls. I picked each one with great care because I couldn’t live without you. Good night!
• Good night and sweet dreams! I live my life wishing I could kiss you every day, knowing that your love for me is as infinite as the sky. My heart beats only for you because I love you to the moon and back… over and over again.
• Sleep tight, my friend; I’ll miss you like crazy till I see you again.’
• Goodnight, my dearest friend. I am thankful God gave me someone like you in my life. You are so sweet to me, and I want you to know that in every step of your life, you are going to be loved by me. Sleep tight and have a nice dream!
• As the night starts to fall, I pray that this loving heart of mine will stay with you all through the night. You are my trusted friend, and my love for you will remain forever.
• I hope I can call to your face in a dream tonight. This is my time to say, “I love you.” You are my dear friend and always will be. Having you in my life makes me happier than I could ever explain. Thank you for being my friend, and thank you for being who you are. Have a good night!
• Thank you for being my best friend in the entire world. I love you and can’t wait for the next adventure. Goodnight beautiful.
• I wish I could write your name in the stars because you’re one in a million. I love you dearly and with all my heart. Enjoy your rest, sweet dreams!
• As I roll over in bed tonight and go to sleep, it is hard for me not to think about how much I miss you. Do you miss me as much as I miss you? I guess that’s what keeps our love so strong; if we didn’t have to suffer through the sad times, the happy times wouldn’t be so precious.
• Good night my friend, my love; you have been such great support; thank you for always listening to me when I need you the most. I love you more than words can say. Have a great night, and don’t forget to dream your dreams unfiltered.
• Good night my dear friends. Make sure to sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite!
• Goodnight, my sweetie. I thought our night would end, but now it will be that much sweeter when we share dreams and wake up in each other’s arms. I am so thankful that we can share this love -the best gifts life has given me!
• You mean a lot to me. You’re like a sister to me, and I love you so much! Good night and sweet dreams.
• Good night! May tomorrow be sunny and bright!
• There is no greater gift than the love of a true friend. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. I am thankful for our friendship.
• Being your friend is one of the best things that has happened to me. I think about you a lot because I hope that we will become better friends and cherish all the memories we made. I fell in love with you the very first moment we’ve met, and you’ll always be my number one. You are such a sweetheart; you deserve only the best.
• Good night to the friend I like the most. Today we spent a few hours having fun and, of course, chatted for a long time. And I am here just sending you these lines; I hope you had a great day, and thank you for being such a good friend! Good night and sweet dreams!
• Good night my friend who is in the moon, good night, my friend who is in the stars, good night, my friend who is in my heart.
• Good night my friend, sweet dreams, and may tomorrow be sunny and bright. Thank you for all the good times…
• You know how much you mean to me. I hope you realize that my love for you will never end. Good night my friend. Keep smiling and be safe.
• When I was down, you gave me a hand; when part of me broke, you helped me understand. You are the best friend that I have; I know that this is true. I’m glad you are in my life and that we have met. You’re so charming and such a joy; please keep loving every minute.
• Goodnight, my friends. May your God hold you close tonight.
• Good night, sweet dreams. May all your troubles be out of sight, and may tomorrow be much better than today. I love you always!
• It is always a good time to thank our friends for their value in what we do well. True friends may not always agree or be close, but the relationship is genuine and heartfelt. They have often influenced us along with our relationship with each other. We strive for reconciliation; they simply add growth from being a part of something special at different times.
• Goodnight buddy. I hope you have a dream-free night. I love you!
• Thanks for the beautiful day. I hope you sleep well and have great dreams. Love you lots!
• There are so many things I want to tell you, but in the end, I say, good night, sweet friend. Good night wishes for friends.
• We are nothing in this world without friendship. Friends are an essential part of our life. I am lucky to have such great friends in my life. The night is the right time to wish a good night because morning will come fast.
• You are the best friend ever. I am so thankful that we met each other. You give me some of the best times of my life, and I will always be grateful for that. You are special to me, and here’s a good night kiss from me to you.
• Goodnight, my sweet friend. Sweet dreams, and may tomorrow be sunny for you.
• May you have many sweet dreams, and may they all come true—Goodnight, sweet dreams.
• Good Night and Sweet Dreams!!! I hope that good night wishes will let you sweet dreams… Good Night…!!! Love you, my friend…!!!
• Good night, my friend. I hope that you have slept well. I will be thinking of you when I close my eyes to sleep. You are indeed an angel in disguise. I pray for your safety and happiness every night. Let me also wish you a blessed tomorrow ahead. I love you so much!
• Good night, my lovely friends. I hope they bring sweet dreams of the ones you love. And I hope that the sunrise brings a beautiful new day. Good night
• Good Night. The dark sky and the whole white moon excites me. I am filled with the most surprising thoughts about you. Sweet dreams.’
• Goodnight, friends. I’ll be watching over you tonight and every night. If you can feel me, stop by my room and say “Hi” before dawn.
• Good night, sleep tight, my friend. I pray that God keeps you through the night with sweet dreams he bends to send. My hopes and smile in every plan that comes to you. If not for anything, I pray tomorrow would be a blessed day for you.
• Good night! I’m grateful for the friends like you who care so much about me. Thank you for being so understanding and for always being there when I need you. Good night and sweet dreams. May tomorrow be warm, sunny, and bright, just like your heart that has made me fall in love with you.
• It’s the end of the day, and I want you to know that I love you. Even though we spend most of our days together, it never seems like enough. It feels like we need more time together. I love talking to you, hearing your laugh, kissing your cheek, and feeling your touch. Good night my friend, and sweet dreams!
• As you go to sleep, I pray that the LORD will watch over you. Be careful and take care of yourself. Think about why we say “Good night” before we say good morning. It is because it’s so good to have a friend like you!