Congratulations on your 27th marriage anniversary, to make it an exciting day, here are some heart warnings happy 27th anniversary wishes for husband and wife.
Happy 27th Anniversary Wishes for Wife
• Happy 27th anniversary to the most amazing wife a man could ever ask for; I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. I’m so grateful to have such a kind, understanding, loyal, and loving wife like you. I’ve had many ups and downs in my life, but with you, by my side, everything seems right again. You are my queen, my everything, and even at 27 years on, I will always feel like the luckiest man alive for being able to live by your side.
• I love you more today than yesterday. And I will love and respect you even more tomorrow. Not only do I enjoy being with you, but I am grateful to have you in my life. You’ve made me so happy! Thank you for the beautiful 27 years we have had together! Happy anniversary, your loving husband.
• Twenty-seven years ago, someone made an instant decision that would affect both of our lives forever. They said YES when others perhaps would have said no. Love, at first sight, maybe only a myth, but once you said I do, you were mine & there was no one else for me. I have thought about you every day since we met & loved you more every single year.
• I’ve had a wonderful life because I have such a wonderful husband. I’m so happy we found each other, and I’m glad our paths crossed to create this family. I know not everyone is so lucky to find their soul mate and live their lives with them. It is truly a blessing, and I am very thankful for your love, cute sense of humor, the way you always try to make things better, and how you give me daddy kisses when I need them.
• Thank you for being my special adviser, my partner in life, the love of my life, and the mother of my children. Thanks for your pet, your devotion, and your support all these years. I’ll love you forever and ever.
• You are the sunshine that lights up my world. You are the wind that keeps me in perpetual happiness. You are the air that I breathe, and I would die without you. You are the absolute love of my life, and I can’t wait to spend eternity with you. Happy 27 years of happiness.
• I love you; you know I do. It just gets deeper and deeper every day. I am so glad to have been loved by such a wonderful man; you’re my best friend and hero. I hope we grow old together, that would be so amazing. Not only do I love you, but our children give me so much
• Happy 27th-anniversary, baby. I love you more than you will ever know! I want to celebrate you again for being such an amazing wife and mother. I am so glad we made it to another year together!! I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow but the same as today. We have been thru so much together, and things are only getting better. Thank you for holding my heart and for giving me your love of twenty-seven years! I love you to infinity and beyond!
• Today marks 27 years of your being an incredible mother and my beautiful wife. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if you hadn’t come into it, and for that, I am forever grateful. I have been lucky enough to be by your side for 27 beautiful years of love, happiness, passion, excitement, and adventure! I wish I could spend even longer here with you. We have seen a lot in our time together, and we have overcome many obstacles.
• I love you so much. I will always be there for you. Living with you in life has been the best decision I have ever made, and when I look at you, I am so glad you are my wife! You are both my heart and soul; together, we are one.
• I have been blessed with you for 27 years. You are my best friend, my lover, and the mother of my children, who I love more than life itself. So many people say that when you find the right person, you will just know it. You are the right person for me, I love you dearly.
• I love my husband; I remember when I was very young before, we met at 18. I had dreamed of our meeting, how we would express our feelings to each other, how we would be together as one and understand each other. I never thought my spouse would be so kind and loving. I needed him, and he loved me so much that I felt like in heaven.
• Twenty-seven years ago, we met for the first time, and what a roller coaster ride it has been. When I look back on how crazy and in love we were, I laugh because it was so much different than where we are today. But to know that he will be there with unconditional love no matter what.
• I never get used to it. Every bright morning when I wake up, and every calm night I go to bed, I’m amazed at how lucky I am.
• Your sweet personality has made my world a brighter place. Your lovely face has made me feel like I was home. I will always love you because you are passionate about life. I will always respect you because you care about others. You will always be my amazing wife, and I will be your amazing husband until death does us part.
• I love you, and I always will. You’re the best wife a man could ever have. Happy Anniversary.
• You’re a true friend, a wise counselor, and a breath of fresh air. I love you so much and will be here for you as long as you need me, that I promise. Happy Anniversary!
• Thank you for always having my back and supporting me. I couldn’t ask for a sweet and caring partner in love and amazingness. Thanks for putting up with my crazy and busy work and school schedule. I’m so glad we got married to bind you to me forever legally! I love you! Happy Anniversary!
• Darling, I was just thinking of you. And then there you were smiling. Wow! This is a great day to be alive. For me, at least. You make me so happy and content that I feel like royalty. Thank you for being my wife and best friend.
• You make a difference in my life. Your love and passion, trust and faith, and beauty are gifts from God that I am grateful for every day. Thank you for loving me unconditionally since the beginning of our marriage and showing me what it means to be a good woman.
• Sometimes, I don’t know how my life got so lucky. You have become my best friend, my partner, and my lover. We have built a life together that is filled with more than I ever thought possible. Happy anniversary I love you!
• Happy 27th anniversary! I love you, my wonderful husband. I’m so glad we’ve taken this journey together. I know our best and cheerful days are still ahead of us, and I can’t wait to see what the world holds for us. You’re an amazing man, and I appreciate everything you do for me every single day!
• I could never ask for a better wife; you are always there to support me and help me out. You do so much for others, and it means the world to me. I love you. I would not trade our love for anything else; you make my life complete and give me a reason to keep smiling.

Romantic 27th Anniversary Quote for Wife
• My dearest wife. You have given me so much over the years, and I can’t stop saying thank you. You are such a wonderful woman, and I can’t imagine my life without you. There has never been a day that I haven’t loved you. The longer we stay together, the more my love grows for you.
• I appreciate, cherish and respect you with all of my heart. My life and personality have changed so much since I have found you. You are my light in a very dark world. Without you, everything would be darkness, and without your undying affection and love, I would have nothing. I will always love and honor you for that and so much more! Happy anniversary.
• Above and beyond, my love for you is endless. I have always adored you loved you, and cherished you. Raising our family has been the most beautiful experience in my life. From the very beginning, I knew that we would be together forever; I am so grateful for your love and support through the years. You are everything that a wonderful wife should be.
• There is no feeling in the world like falling in love with someone who feels the same. You could have all the material things in life, but my real wealth is knowing that I have someone wonderful who loves me for me. Happy Anniversary! I love, care, and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know!
• For 27 blessed years, you have proven time & again that you are the kindest, most caring person to walk this planet. You are the love of my life. I am so excited for more years of adventure & happiness!
• Hi sweetie! Happy 27th anniversary and happy Valentine’s Day! It’s hard to believe that we have been married for over a quarter of a century now, but here we are. I love you so much! I am so thankful that our paths crossed so many years ago and that our love has grown as it has.
• I am looking forward to many more years of loving you and being loved by you. With all my heart, I wish you lots of love, laughter.
• My love for you is so strong, and I cannot believe it’s been 27 years; our journey together feels like yesterday. You are a wonderful person inside and out, your heart is as big as you are, and I’m thankful God blessed me with such a fine woman. I cherish every moment we have and feel so lucky to have you in my arms every night. You can’t imagine how much joy you bring me each day. You indeed are my dream come, the actual baby. I love you!
• Happy anniversary to my amazingly kind wife; You are indeed one of a kind! You were and still are the best decision I ever made. I love you dearly and can’t imagine not having you by my side.
• Twenty-seven years – so many memories, so many milestones! Some of them you will remember forever: Your first date, your first kiss, your first love, your wedding day, a few others: Your first heartbreak, your first DUI. But most of all, I’ll never forget how lucky I am to have you in my life.
• I thought today would be fantastic to express how much you mean to me. Twenty-seven years and I still love you as much as I did the day we met. You are my rock, my light, and I will always love you!
• For 27 years, I get to wake up by your side, and even though we fight a lot, I can’t imagine loving anyone more than I love you. Of course, I’ll always love you and be your biggest cheerleader, but most of all, I will always be your friend.
• I love you, with all your faults, everything you are, and everything you do. I would not trade one moment of the past 27 years. You are the only man I want to spend my life with, and I will love you forever!
• Happy 27th-anniversary babe, I just wanted to say that words can’t express the way I feel for you. I love you more and more each day. I am so thankful for what we have and the joy you bring me. Happy anniversary, my love.
• The best day of my life was when I married you. You make me so happy. From the moment we met today, you continue to surprise me. You’re an amazing mother and a wonderful wife. The world will never understand how lucky I am to be your wife. Thank you for bringing such joy to my life!
• Twenty-six years have passed, 26 years of love and laughter. I’m amazed and thankful that we made it this far, through all the tears, through my stubbornness, and your pure will still as in love as ever. We’re getting older, and I’ll be here until the end, loving you forever!
• Each day I realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing wife in my life. Thanks for always supporting, caring for me, and cheering me up when I’m down. You are the most adorable, the most devoted, the kindest wife ever! I love you from the bottom of my heart.
• Twenty-seven years and I still love you like it was yesterday.
• You are even more beautiful today than you were on our wedding day 20 years ago. You are my true love and soul mate. I love you now and always.
• We’ve been through it all. It doesn’t matter what life brings us; we always pull through together. You have helped me to become the person I am today, and I wouldn’t change one thing about you. Thank you for all the memories and for being by my side every step of my life. To say I love you would be an understatement as there are no words to describe how special you are to me.
Happy 27th Anniversary Wishes for Husband
• 27th anniversary of our very first date, and you still can’t take your hands off me! I love that you still try to sweep me off my feet and that old romantic side of you! You are the one man I have wanted for so long and still want more. You’ve been my husband, best friend, lover, and confidant. You gave me two beautiful children and taught them how to be good people with good hearts. Thank you for being the fantastic father
• Happy 27th Anniversary, my love. Each year we share is better than the last. I love you more each day.
• To my partner forever: I love everything about you; you make me so happy; it is a privilege to have you in my life and my heart. You are a wonderful husband and the most caring father in the world. I wish we can spend many more years together as a family and as a couple. And, for years, we’ve had a fantastic time together, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world. I am always looking forward to the next day.
• Happy 27th Anniversary. I can’t wait to celebrate the next 27! No one has ever held my heart the way you do now, and that means everything to me. I don’t know what life would be like without you, and I never want to find out.
• To my loving and dedicated husband, I couldn’t have pictured myself without you. You are the coolest, loving, and caring husband and father anyone could ask for; On our anniversary today, I just wanted to let you know how much I love you, even more now than when we first met. I’m blessed to have you by my side always.
• Thanks for being my wonderful husband. Not just for the 27 great years, we have had together, but for all the things you have helped me become. You have taught me that life is a journey. Now you are about to finish your race, I want to let you know how extraordinary it has been to live this journey with you! I love you dearly today than I did on our wedding day, and I have lots of beautiful memories of all the things we did over the past 27 years together!
• Twenty-seven years ago, on this day, you asked me to be your wife. Of course, the answer was yes, and my life has been fantastic ever since. I still remember how much fun we had on our honeymoon. We laughed and danced and loved it most of all! You fill my life with love, laughter, joy, and all that is good! I miss you every day when you are away from work. But, when you get home, it is the best feeling in the world to have you walk in the door each night.
• Your wonderful smile lights up my world, gives me goosebumps and a sense of joy that I have never known. I can’t imagine my life without your support, love, and prayers, and I am so glad you are in it. I love you deeply and thoroughly – more than I ever thought possible—happy 27th anniversary to my husband. I love you so much!
• Having you is like having the loveliest dream. I often wake up to that special feeling of our warm bodies in the same bed. And when you smile at me and say, “Good morning, my darling,” it makes that moment seem so extra special. It’s hard to believe that almost forty years have passed since we first fell in love! But as time goes by, I love you more and more. Happy 27th anniversary!
• Our first date was perfect. Everything about it was beautiful. We talked, laughed, and enjoyed every moment together. I knew right then that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, which brings us to this point today. Together we have created a family filled with unforgettable memories, love, and laughter. You are the most thoughtful and supportive man, a trusted friend, loving partner, and wonderful father. You are my best friend in all ways, and I love you with all my heart!
• As we move to our 27th year of marriage, I think about all the time we have spent together. Each day is like a dream come true because I’m married to the most wonderful man in the world. I can’t imagine spending my life without your sweet love and great care. I love you!
• I remember the days when I was all you dreamed of; You were thrilled, and I was pleased too. I love you so much that words cannot even come close to expressing how I feel about you. Today we have been married for 27 years, but that will not stop me from making sure you know each day how much I love you. Life would be so tedious without your presence in my life. I cherish every moment that we spend together, all the fun and challenging moments.
• Thank you for being a great and loving husband, Dad, and friend. Twenty-seven years of making me laugh, loving me when I’m at my worst, and making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Thanks for being the best dad, for loving your children unconditionally, and for teaching them to love others. I am so lucky that we have always been there for each other through thick and thin. You are that fantastic blessing of my life, and I love you so much!
• I’m so glad you’re in my life, and I’ll never forget the day we began. Our children are a constant reminder of our love. Today we celebrate our 27th anniversary together!
• I wouldn’t trade a single memory with you for anything. Happiness and love are all I could ever want from our relationship, and for the past 27 years, I have those things. I would do anything for us to stay together forever! You are the love of my life, sweetie, and I love you deeply.
• I still see the crazy teenager I met in high school. But, the third time’s the charm! I couldn’t be happier that you are my husband. I love your goofy self, your strong heart, your kind soul, and most of all, how you keep me smiling. Here’s to 50 more years of growing old together!!
• To the best thing that ever happened to me, thank you for always being consistent and authentic. I appreciate your understanding and your love; it means everything to me. You are my soul mate and my best friend. I hope we will be together forever; you have my heart! I will smile whenever I hear your voice, and I will be strong whenever sadness may come.
Romantic 27th Anniversary Quote for Husband
• My heart beats faster, my palms sweat, and I just get this feeling in my gut that lets me know that you are the love of my life. You make my bright days brighter and my nights warmer. You make me a better person. Your passion never steers me wrong because it always brings out the best in me, always makes me strive for greatness. Our love is rare and precious, something that most people are never lucky enough.
• You are my best friend, my love, the reason why I succeed. You hold me together: you keep my world stable, and for that, I am genuinely grateful. It is hard to find words to express all that I feel for you, but I want you to know that you have made my life an incredible adventure. My queen-you is and always will be my everything!
• Happy anniversary sweetie. Happy memories are essential for a happy marriage. Your love and trust is a gift I cherish every day.
• I will love you until the day that we are together, for all eternity. I think of you each day and thank God for giving me such an incredible husband. Without you by my side, I couldn’t make it through this life. May our love grow stronger with time, and may I be the man that you deserve.
• In the 27 years, we have been together, you have always been an amazing husband and father. I love you for who you are as a person. You are kind, thoughtful, encouraging, generous, and fun to be around. You are indeed my best friend in every sense of the word. I cherish our love story and can’t wait to tell our kids all about it.
• I love and appreciate your care with all my heart and all my soul. You are the most thoughtful, kind, giving person I’ve ever known; you love me with a passion that keeps growing every day. With each year, I rise to love you even more! I will never stop loving, supporting, and appreciating you no matter what happens because you are the best husband in the world!
• I love you so very much. You are the most wonderful husband, father, and friend. Through ups and downs, you’ve always been there taking care of me. I am so glad and thankful to have found you, and no matter what life brings us, it’s an adventure we both get to go on because of you. I love you with all my heart and soul.
• You are the love of my life, my best friend, and my partner in crime. I am a better and sweet partner because of you. Happy Anniversary! I can’t wait for the next 27 years! I love you with all of me.
• You were my first love and have stayed by my side through everything life has thrown at us. I am amazed by your kindness and the unconditional love you give me. You are everything to me. The unique reason I wake up in the morning and look forward to a new day—my partner in crime, my best friend, and my husband.
• I love you, even more, today than I did 27 years ago when we said our vows. Now, over three decades later, you are the most important person in my life.
• You make me happy and complete. I can see our lives being filled with many amazing adventures, exciting travels, and wonderful family moments. We have come a long way since the day we met, but there is still so much to accomplish. If at any point throughout our lives you lose sight of how special of a person you are, just remember that I think about you every day, and it gives me great pleasure.
• Happy 27th anniversary to the love of my life! I love you and will always treasure our magnificent journey together.
• It has been 27 years since we shared our first kiss as a married couple, and I still fall more in love with you every day. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my adventure buddy, and my lover. Thanks for always being there through the good times and the bad. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. Happy 27th!
• I was sure you would have forgotten your 27th anniversary with me, but I am so glad you didn’t. I have no idea how we met, but I just remember being madly in love with you that day. We haven’t always been perfect, but you and I are so lucky to be able to stare at each other for hours together. You make me feel wonderful and loved. You did an excellent job on our kids too.
• I love you more than just for the 27 years we have been married. After more than 20 years, I still wake up to an amazing man that makes me weak in the knees, you make my heart flutter or skip a beat, and you always make me smile regardless of the circumstances. No matter what happens, dear, we will always be together, and no one will ever be able to tear us apart. We will be side by side till death do us part, and on our 100th anniversary, we will both rock fine and healthy.
• Twenty-seven years have come and gone, and I wouldn’t trade a single second. But, like the years that came before, we promise to love, honor, and cherish through good times and bad. Thank you for making everything unique, for treating me like a queen every day. I will forever be your devoted wife and loving mother of our children.
• Happy 27th-anniversary, sweetie; You are a great husband and an amazing father. I’m so blessed to be able to raise our daughters with you by my side. I love you.
• It is such an honor and blessing from the Lord to be a part of your life! I feel so lucky to have gotten the chance to be married to someone like you. You have made me stronger, more confident, and more loved than I have ever felt before. You are my rock, my best friend, and the best daddy anyone could ever request. There isn’t a star in the sky that shines brighter or more significant than the one I carry for you. But I know that no matter what happens, we will be okay.