There’s little more exciting in life than getting married. The 4 years marriage anniversary is a special day as it not only marks the beginning of two lives becoming one, it’s also a day when those around you can celebrate and congratulate your successful journey so far. We have compiled this happy 4 years anniversary wishes to express your beautiful thoughts to your partner.
Happy 4 years Anniversary Wishes for Husband
• Today marks our 4th anniversary. I’m so lucky to have a man that loves me as you do. You’re an amazing husband and father, so very thoughtful and caring. You have given me the best four years in the world; words can’t describe how much I love you. Happy anniversary baby!
• I love, adore, and respect you more than I could ever express. You are my best buddy, my soulmate, and the most amazing man I have ever met in my life. It’s been four years of beautiful memories that we have shared. I can’t even explain how much it hurts that our anniversary isn’t this coming weekend, but I plan on fixing that very soon. I love you so much.
• I love and cherish you with my whole heart and soul. Four years ago today, I received the most amazing gift I could have ever asked for. You came into my life and made it better; you brought love and light, laughter and tears, learning, happiness, and kindness. You are my best friend in this world, and every day I fall more in love with you. Truly amazing!
• You are the most amazing man I have ever met. I love being your wife and being able to spend my days loving you. It is a blessing every day that I get to wake up next to you. Thank you for showering me love like a princess!
• You are my soulmate and the love of my life. You have made me the happiest woman in the world! You are everything I need and everything I could want from a lover, husband, and best friend. Thank you for always stand here for me. I love and celebrate you more than words can express. Happy anniversary, sweetheart!
• These past 4 amazing years have been the best of my life. I am so glad we found and built this love and that I get to be with you for all eternity. I love you so much! And now, in your 33rd year of life, I hope it’s the best one yet.
• I have never met a man like you, so caring and loving. I am really blessed, and I feel honored to have you in my life and by my side. Every moment that goes by, I fall more in love with you. You are always there for me whenever I need you, no matter what. I am so thankful for you, the sweetest, kindest, most romantic man ever! Happy anniversary to us.
• Four years ago, I found a beautiful, wonderful, caring, and hardworking man. This man became my husband soon after we met. I couldn’t be happier. I want to spend all of my life with you. I love you more than anything in this world and can’t wait to get home tonight, so I can kiss you as soon as I lay my eyes on you!
• Turning four years with you is already a dream come true. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have found you, but I am happy I did. You are the best husband a girl could ask! No one on this planet is more important to me than you. I love you to the moon.
• I’ve been with you for four years now, and every day I thank the lucky stars I have you. You are the most romantic, loving, sensitive, and caring man I know. You have a way of making me feel like I am the most respected, looked up to, and cherished person in the world. You have shown me how much you love me every single day by doing little things that mean so much. Happy Anniversary sweetheart! I love, care, and respect you with all my heart and soul!
• Marriage is a choice to take each other’s hand through the ups and downs of this world as we explore our relationship together. I never imagined how much love and beauty would be uncovered in our marriage. I have learned that I get to wake up every day to the one man who will always love me, make me laugh, and allow me to be the best person I can be. You are an incredible person, a beautiful soul, and someone I will grow old with, happy 4 years of togetherness.
• Four years seems like just yesterday we were getting ready to drive out of New York City and into our future. Four years have passed, and we are better than ever. Four years ago, I was sitting here writing you this same note sitting in front of you. As you slid the ring on my finger, I remember thinking about how blessed I was to have found my soulmate. You are a wonderful man, and I
• I love and adore you with all of my heart and soul! It’s hard to believe that we have been together for four years already. I can honestly say that you complete me, and I will continue to be your forever Valentine. I love, respect, and care for you with all my heart, and so thankful that you chose me!
• Thank you for being an amazing husband and father. You are indeed the best man I know. I love you so much and hope our love lasts forever. You are my best friend and soul mate for life.
• Four years ago, we both said, “I do.” It was the beginning of our happily ever after. I will love you forever and continue to show you every day how lucky I am to have found you. Your love makes me a better woman – happier, kinder, and more giving of myself. You are my best friend and the most amazing husband I could ever ask. Our love grows more every year, and I am excited to spend so many more years loving you!
• Four amazing years.” And since then, you have been the most wonderful husband and best friend a girl could ask. You are everything I ever wanted in a man, and now I am lucky enough to call you my husband! Thanks for being with me.
• I’ve said the magic words so many times before, but I will say it a thousand times again. Of all the things to love in this world, you are my favorite! Your smile lights up my night and makes my heart flutter. The warmth you bring into my life is more than I ever dreamed I deserved. Thanks for four years of love, happiness and for making me your wife. I love you forever and always.
• There aren’t enough words to express how sweet and special you are. You are the most incredible husband anyone could ask for, and I am so lucky to have you by my side. I wouldn’t change a thing about you because you are perfect just as you are. I wish I could freeze time and make these years last forever because they are so amazing. We are growing closer together every day, which will only be the beginning of our fairy tale life.
• You are the most incredible man I know. Four years! It’s crazy to think how much has happened in four years, and all because of you. You went from a stranger I met on a sports-based online dating site to the love of my life. I will forever be grateful for our chance meeting that began this journey.
• Sweetheart, it has been four years since I found the love of my life. Four years since I looked into your eyes and realized you are the one for me. Four years since your smile brightened up my day and made me feel whole. I love you now more than ever. To celebrate our four years together, I want to take you out on a special date. All our favorite foods and drinks, we can dance until we drop, then sleep until our heads hit the pillow.
• It’s been four years since we met, four years since I fell in love with you. We have walked through heaven and hell together, but to me, every day is a dream. You are my beautiful miracle that makes my heart soar.
• Life is sweeter with you by my side. Every day I fall more and more in love with you. There’s nothing you can do to change my love for you; it only grows stronger and stronger. Happy fourth-anniversary honey, I love you!
• We had our first anniversary, and now we are at our fourth anniversary. I love you more each day than the last. You are the best friend and loving partner I could ever have. I couldn’t be happier to be married to you. I love you with all my heart.
• The anniversary of our love is approaching, and I can’t help but think of how happy you’ve made me for these four years. You’ve had your ups and downs, we have had our highs and our lows, we’ve been through everything that two young lovers can go through, yet our bonds are strong than ever, I love you.
• You make my world a better place just by being in it. Every day we spend together is better than the last. I have never laughed so much or been so happy than the days that we spent together. I keep loving you more every bright new day, my beautiful, wonderful husband.
• Four years ago today, I met an amazing man. The years have flown by, and I have loved every minute of it. I love you more than anything, and I’m so lucky to have you. The future looks bright with you by my side!
• I love, respect, and celebrate you more than words can say, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Today is a day for celebrating our many years together. Each year that we have been together having led us to this moment, right now. I cherish the love that we share, and I am so glad that I found someone like you. You complete me in every way, shape, and form!
• The most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!
• It’s not every day that I get to prove you wrong, but THIS is one of those days. We have made it four years now, and the good Lord willing, we will make it many more. Tonight I’m going to go to sleep next to my loving, wonderful man, amazing husband!
• I love you so much. Four years ago today, I married the most wonderful man in the world. Our life together has been an exciting adventure that I wouldn’t change for anything. I love you!
• Four years ago, I fell, and it was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You are my soul mate. You make me happier and cheerful than I ever knew possible. Thank you for being the wonderful, loving, caring man that you are. I love you so much!
• To my husband, I only want you to know how much I love you every single day. You are the most honestly good person I have ever met, and you never cease to amaze me with your character as an even better man. You are the best partner ever, my rock, and the greatest father a daughter could ask. Happy anniversary, my love.
• I know you love me, but I just wanted to let you know again anyway. I love you so much, and sometimes when I think about how lucky I am, it makes me cry. You are such a wonderful man, and I’m happy I married you. I hope our love grows stronger every day for the rest of our lives.
• I love and respect you more than I could ever express. You are the most wonderful husband and father in the world! I will always appreciate you as my life partner and my friend. Thank you for all the determination and hard work you do for never giving up on us despite this tough economy. Thank you for being the best husband and father a girl could ask.
• I know I don’t say it enough, but you are such a wonderful husband. You have become an amazing man and father, and you put 110% of your heart and soul into everything you do. I am proud to call myself your beautiful wife, and I love you.

Happy 4 Years Anniversary to Wife
• FOUR YEARS AND COUNTING! I thank the Lord for the gift he’s given me: you! You are the sweetest and fantastic part of my life; you’re a wonderful person and an amazing mother. I love you for being my wife and for being so incredibly strong. You have arms that wrap around my heart every time I am near; they keep me safe and happy.
• My dearest love, I cannot tell you what an honor it is to be able to call myself your husband! Today we have four years behind us as a married couple, and I can only say that each day has been full of light and beauty than the last. You are my guiding light, my son, my center. You are so intelligent and accomplished that I love and cherish you so much.
• Today marks four years since we’ve been together, and I have to say that these last four years have been the happiest of my life. Each day I am amazed by how wonderful you are. I thank God almighty for bringing you into my life and allowing me to spend forever with you. Love you always, baby.”
• Happy Anniversary to my Love. I am thankful and glad that every day that you are in my life. I love and cherish you more with each passing year and look forward to many more.
• You are the love of my world, and I am thankful every day that you said yes! You are the most amazing woman I know. Every day I r in love with you as we find new ways to make each other happy. Just being with you makes me a better man. I’m so grateful for every day we spend together. Thank you for all the hard work and warmth you bring to our home. You brighten up every room with your smile.
• Four years ago, I knew that I had found my soul mate. There is no one else that I could ever want but you. You are the love of my world, the air that I breathe. I know that forever we will be together. You are everything to me!
• Two years ago, you married me, and I’m still amazed at how much we have grown together as a couple. You have always been my rock, my best friend, and my soul mate. I love you more than words and feelings could ever express, and no one could ever replace you in my life.
• Thank you for being the happiest four years of my life! I’m so grateful to have you as my wife. From the moment we met, you brought out the best in me, and I can’t thank you enough for that. You amaze me every day with your kindness and thoughtfulness, and I look forward to spending forever with you.
• My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. I am so proud to have you by my side as my wife. It has been four incredible years together and eternity in my heart. I work hard to have a lovely home for our daughter, so we can vacation when you need to relax, and I will continue working hard for you every day of my life. You are my perfect half; you are my rock; you are my love.
• Four years of marriage is fantastic. We have gone through so many hard times and come out stronger, better people. You are everything I could ever ask for, and I love you with all my heart.
• Our marriage’s first four years have been the hardest, best, happiest, most challenging, and most rewarding. Our love has grown deeper with every challenge that we have faced together. I love, celebrate, and cherish you more than words can describe and will cherish you always. Happy Anniversary!
• I feel so blessed to be able to wake up every day and see your beautiful face. Four years ago today is when I knew my life would change forever. You captured my heart from the very amazing start, and I cannot imagine what my life would be like if you were not in it.
• Four years ago, I married my best friend, the most loving woman I know. You have made me the happiest man alive. May our love grow as we grow older, be it for 15 or 50 years more. You are the kindest woman I have ever met. Thank you for staying with me through the hard times, better or worse, thick and thin and downright embarrassing at times.
• I love being your husband more and more each day. I am lucky to share life with you, and I cherish the time we spend together. Our love continues to grow stronger with each passing day. I look forward to a lifetime of happiness together, my wonderful wife!
• Happy 4th anniversary to my beautiful wife! You are a wonderful, caring, hardworking, beautiful, special, and intelligent woman. Lucky is the man who knows you as his wife. I love you so much and look forward to many more years of happiness!
• Thanks for being a hardworking, loving, wonderful woman, my amazing wife, my caring friend, my beautiful one. Special thanks for finding my lost keys today. Thanks for doing the laundry when I’m sick and still working full-time. Thanks for taking care of things when I’m at work. You’re so special! Thanks for reading and knowing so much, and helping me stay on track with my daily routines.
• Today marks four years of marriage with you, my love. I want to say thank you for all you do for me, and I love you so much more than ever before. Without you, my life would not be complete, nor would it be worth living. Everything that makes me who I am comes from who we are together. Thank you for being a solid shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to me vent, the greatest mother for our beautiful boys, and someone to talk to when I just need to
• It has been over four years, and I realize now that I made the right decision when I chose you. You are beautiful in and out, and I am so proud to call you mine. You love me no matter what and never give up on me. You always make me smile, even on my bad days. The best part? You’re not done yet. Love you, honey!
• It’s been four wonderful years with you, the best of my life. There are no magic words to express just how much I love and appreciate you. Even though we may have come close to breaking up, I knew I could never leave you. Our love has kept us together and will last forever.
• Just when I think I’m falling in love with you more and more, you do or say something to prove me wrong. When we first met, I couldn’t imagine loving anyone the way I love you. If I could describe how I feel about you in one word, it would be perfection. You are the definition of perfection. You are a rare and beautiful jewel that is priceless and worth more than gold.
• Hey, beautiful, I can’t believe it’s been four years since we got married and three years since I said, “I love you.” You are such a wonderful woman who has always made me feel special. Thank you for being unique, kind, caring, hardworking, beautiful, and so many more qualities that make you perfect in my eyes.
• I can not believe you have been my wife for four years now! You are a fun, caring, loving, caring, hardworking, beautiful, wonderful woman of my dreams. I feel very fortunate and thankful that the good Lord blessed me with such a wonderful woman like you into my life.
• If I could, I would write about you forever. We’ve come so far, and I love where we are. You are my everything, and you brighten my world more than you will ever know. Happy 4th anniversary to my beautiful wife!!
• Four years haven’t done much to change my love for you. Even these last few difficult years, I still remember how you said “YES!” and ran into my arms, the love in your eyes and the smile on your face. Every day you amaze me with your kindness, thoughtfulness, talent, desires, ambitions, and beauty. My love is forever yours – my Queen!
• There was once someone who lived their life full of flaws. They spent all of their time wishing that they were like you; kind, caring, thoughtful, and stunning. They would always tell me how lucky I was to have you and that someday I’ll have someone like you in my life too. On the day that I met you, my first thought was, “I want what he has!” and now here we are four years later, more in love than ever before! I know
• You are the center of my universe. Your love is endless, your laughter brightens my day, and seeing you smile me happy. I will always love you.
• Okay, so I forgot our anniversary again. But that’s okay because you are an essential thing in my life; you know that. I’m working hard to make this the best year ever for you and me. Love you, baby!
• I’ve been thinking about what to get you for our 4th anniversary. I couldn’t think of a single thing. You mean so much to me. You are the best wife, sister, and mother, anyone could ever ask. You are my world!
• I love you. I have loved you for as long as I can remember. Even when I chose to spend some time away from you, a part of me was always with you, missing your smile and touch. You are an amazing woman, intelligent and beautiful, hardworking and caring. You make my life better by being in it. Thank you for all the ama that you do for us every day! I love you, sweetie!
• I love you so much; I love your smile, I love your strength, I love your ears (he says they are cute), I was lucky enough to marry you! I love the way you are; it makes me so happy. Happy 4th anniversary.
• Happy anniversary, my love! Four years of being with you are more than I could have ever asked. You are my entire world – you have filled the emptiness inside me and made me complete. I love you so much!
• Happy anniversary, my love!. It has been four of the most fantastic years of my life, and I couldn’t have done it without you. You are my best friend, lover, and adventure partner-in-crime! Thanks for being you; every day is a better day with you in it. I love you more than anything!
• Happy 4th Anniversary, Darling!. Thank you for always supporting me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for being here through the hard and bad times, for all of your love and encouragement. I feel so fortunate for the chance to be married to you, my wonderful wife!
• She is a wonderful woman. She is caring, hardworking, beautiful, unique, intelligent, innovative, and talented. I wish her all the happiness and amazing things in the world, and I am so proud to be her husband and the father of her child. I love you, wifey!
• We have spent four incredible years together, and we are going to spend a lot more. I love and adore you with all my heart, and I am so lucky to have you. You are the best wife and friend that a man could ever ask. I love your smile, your eyes, and your crazy sense of humor. You are an amazing woman, wonderful mother, hardworking employee, intelligent person. And when we grow old together, please let me do the cheesiest things for you that make you happy.
• I can’t believe that I married the woman of my dreams four years ago- the most beautiful, loving, wonderful woman I have ever met. Thank you for the years of happiness and love. I hope our marriage will be another four years and beyond. Thank you, my amazing wife!
• Happy Anniversary! You’re the most beautiful, intelligent, and caring woman I’ve ever known. Your work ethic is one I could only wish to have. I love you more every day and can’t wait for our future together.
• Happy anniversary my dear. Every day I am sincerely amazed by your ability to overcome any obstacle life throws at us. Your strong, beautiful heart is a symbol of all the beauty life has to offer, and because of you, I now understand how truly wonderful this world can be.
• I wish you a wonderful fourth anniversary. I know that we’ve had some rough patches during that time, but your love has pushed me through them and made my life so much better and more prosperous. I love you dearly with my heart, soul, and being. My life is so full because of you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
• Four years have come and gone so fast! I love you more every day. So much to say but so little time to say it all. You are my everything, and I am always thinking of you. Thank you for being the perfect wife and mother. You make my life complete!
• You’re the most wonderful wife a man could ask. You’re caring, hardworking, funny, beautiful, and so many other words I can’t even say. I love you with all my heart!
• Thank you for four incredible years of marriage and for being my one and only. I trust, love, respect, and cherish you. You have always encouraged me to be a better person, and each passing day, I fall even more in love with you.
• Four years ago today, I promised to love you forever and beyond that. I still remember it like yesterday. 4 years, three moves, a new company, an amazing baby boy, and so much more. I feel blessed and happy for having you in my life; no words could describe how happy I am to have met you. I love you more with every year that passes by!
• Four years ago today, you were not just my boyfriend but my everything—Happy Anniversary to my favorite person on the planet. You are so perfect, and I am so lucky to be by your side. I love you dearly with my heart.
• Happy anniversary dear, We have been through so much together, some good and some bad. But no matter what, you have always been there for me and stood by my side. I adore, respect, and love you with all of my heart and know that we’ll get through whatever life throws our way.