Treasure the time you spend with your daughter. It’s the most valuable gift any father can give to a daughter, and it’s the greatest gift she has to look forward to in this life.
Are you are looking for that lovely letter to send to your daughter on her birthday, graduation or just to motivate her? We have got tons of beautiful letters from dad to daughter in this post, just scroll down and find one that you like.
Letter from Dad to Daughter on Her Birthday
• Today is your 16th birthday. You are the awesome daughter any father could hope for. I am so proud of you that it literally hurts. Just looking at you gives me a sense of pride and makes me smile inside. You are beautiful, kind, responsible, sweet, and funny. I wouldn’t change anything about you because you are perfect just the way you are! Happy birthday, sweetheart! Have a great day!
• Darling daughter, do you know that I love you more than anything in the world? I thank God for bringing you to me. You are my pride and joy, my shining star. That is why I promise to be there for you always and will do everything to make your life great. Please remember… I love you beyond words.
• My darling daughter: Every time I look at you, I pray that I can protect you and keep the world from ever taking away your smile. The thought of losing you scares me like nothing ever has. You are the biggest blessing in my life and I love you more than anything else in this world.
• It is so hard to believe that my beautiful daughter is now an adult. You have grown up so fast. I look at you the same way that I did when you were born a beautiful little girl. But now I also see a beautiful young woman that I am proud to call my daughter and even more proud to be her father.
• My little girl is now a woman and no longer my baby. I’m so proud of you for everything that you accomplish. You are such an amazing, beautiful, smart girl. The world is yours for the taking. Lead it well! I love you to pieces and embrace your sexy side.”
• I hope that you know how much I love you. I want the best for you. I believe that your mother and I raised a wonderful, beautiful woman. When you broke your chipped tooth losing it in the backyard, I couldn’t help but feel thankful that it wasn’t worse.
• Happy birthday honey! I wish you all the best. You are my shining star, my ray of sunshine. Your light is brighter than the sun and the love we have for each other is everlasting.
• Daughter, happy birthday to you! You are the only daughter I have and you may be the last task I will accomplish before I go. I only hope that one day, you will realize what a great man you have for a dad. I love you with all my heart.
• My little princess, you are now a year older and wiser! I hope with every new year it brings with it, the promise of more joy and fun. Life is too short to remember any sorrows, so let us only remember all the good times we already shared together. I am very fortunate to be able to share your journey in life as your father. Thank you for filling my world with such love. Happy birthday!
• I have always been proud of you, for everything you did and every goal you have achieved. None of those would be possible without your hard work and dedication. I hope you remember this day in the years to come, just like I will treasure your birthday card forever.
• It is an honor to be your father. Thanks for the precious gift of life! Have a great birthday my dear, you deserve all that you wish for!
• Daddy’s little girl, a year has passed since you were born. I am beyond grateful for every single moment of it, for every smile you have made, for every step you have taken. You are my pride and joy, and my biggest source of joy in life. I love you from the bottom of my heart!
• Oh, my sweet, special, loving little princess! For as long as I can remember, your heart has been a center for generosity and not selfishness. Your beautiful soul is one I will love forever. You deserve the best so a special wish from Daddy! Happy birthday to you dear!
• My dear daughter, I am so grateful that you have decided to spend your life with me. I remember the day when you were conceived in my wife’s womb and the night when you were born. You brought so much joy into our lives. I love you with all my heart!
• My body is growing old, but my heart remains young thinking of you. I know we have had our share of arguments, but your love has made everything seem worthwhile. I am thankful to have you as a daughter and more than that, to have someone to take care of me once I get too old. You have been the best thing that has happened to me, wishing you a very happy birthday from your dad! Love!
• I know your life is going great. You have become successful in life; but no matter how far you go, you will always be my daughter and I will always be there for you. Happy birthday to you! Wishing you good health, peace, and joy for the rest of this year.
• My dearest Beth, my past is but a distant memory, and now I have you to look forward to. Your childhood flashed in front of me the day you were born, and I swear on that day I fell in love with your sweet smile. From that day onwards you have been my joy and delight. The streets of heaven are paved with gold because of all the love we share. Happy birthday!
• This is for you my dear daughter!!! I hope all your wishes come true on your special day. You’ve always been the one to make me feel alive once again. You know me better than anyone else and I love you for that!
• On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday! You are my pride and joy. If I had given birth to anyone more beautiful, intelligent, and talented than you, then I would have surely been the proudest father in the world. You always make me proud of you. Happy birthday!
• My dear daughter, I am happy to know all you do for me and your family. Your smiles and love are what make me live each day. As I watch you grow up, I get excited to see what you become when you are a woman. I am blessed that you inherited my genes and will carry them proudly to a new generation. This is why I want you to know how proud of you I am.
• Little tiny hands took my fingers and wrapped them around yours. I took a deep breath and smiled as I never imagined holding someone this small before. You have always been my little princess ever since you were born! Today we celebrate your birthday for a reason, and on this day, I wish you joy, laughter, and happiness in all that you do! My lovely angel, happy birthday!
Letter from Dad to Daughter on Her Graduation
• Graduation is one of the most important moments in a person’s life. I was so proud of you that day. Now, you are ready to explore the world on your own, and I know you will be a great success at whatever path you choose! Have a wonderful birthday and know that I will always be here for you.
• Wow! It’s hard to believe that you have grown so much in the past year, my dear. You have chosen a tough path, but you are made out of the right stuff to be successful in it. I am completely certain that you will be great at whatever course of life you decide to take for yourself. I would love nothing more than to see your dreams come true. I know you will always be my daughter and there is nothing that could ever change that fact.
• I am a proud dad because you are my daughter. I know you are going to surprise the world with your hard work and determination. You deserve every success, and I want to be there supporting you all the way.
• Thank you for all that you have done for me and the sacrifices that you have made. To come so far from where we started, I am proud of you. There could never be a more wonderful daughter than you are to me. Thank you for making my life worth living and thank you for allowing me to be your father.
• Dearest daughter, the greatest achievement of mankind is learning to see the wrong path and changing direction. I am so proud of you for taking the bold step to move out of the zone of comfort and chasing your dreams. May all your dreams and wishes become a reality.
• You have worked so hard over the last four years. Today you graduate with your master’s degree. Your mother is so proud of you. We both feel so blessed to have you in our life. Someday you will look back at this accomplishment and it will give you such joy. You work hard for everything, and your life will be full of only quality things in the future. Congratulations to a wonderful young lady!
• I can’t believe my little girl is officially graduated. You are the smartest, sweetest and funniest daughter I could ask for. Now go kick off your high heels and enjoy that lollipop you earned for four years of hard work.
• As I watch you embark on a new journey in life, I want you to know that I am very proud of you. I have enjoyed knowing you all these years and watching you grow into such an intelligent and strong woman. You are all the things a man could ask for in a daughter, much more than I could ever hope for. I will miss your simple kisses, the exhausting phone calls when you’ve had a hard day, your music loud enough to wake the dead… but trust
• You are just as important to me now as the day you were born. Not a single day passes that I don’t think of you and smile. Whether you’re across the country, or just in the next room, I feel your presence and am happy. You are an incredible young woman and I am so proud that the best part of me will carry on in you! Now go out there and make me proud!
• I am so proud to be your dad. I will always be there for you no matter what. You are such an amazing woman I am sure the world will fall at your feet. I love you more than words could ever express and I hope you know that you bring me so much joy and happiness.
• Today is your big day! It finally feels real that you are going to be graduating from High School. My little baby, you grew up so quickly. I always wanted to be the dad that went to PTA meetings and helped with school projects. I never thought I’d be lucky enough for a daughter like you. Thank you for all your support and unconditional love and most importantly thank you for making this old man proud every day. The hard work that you put in has paid off and
• As I sit here trying to find the words to describe all that you mean to me, I am at a loss for words. Every time I close my eyes your face flashes before me and my heart soars. I am so very proud of you and can’t wait to watch you spread your wings and fly to the highest heights. You are my entire world.
• My dearest sweetheart: I cannot express the joy and pride I have for you on this grand and glorious day. Your hard work, dedication, and love have carried you through four amazing years here at Westside. You are truly a special young lady with so much strength and talent which has enabled you to accomplish many things this past year. I thank God every day for blessing me as one of the lucky ones to witness how far you have come along the way.
• Aww… you’re now a high school graduate! Made it! So proud of you, honey. I remember when you were a little girl running around the house, putting on your mom’s shoes, and pretending as if you were going to work. You’ve grown into an amazing woman, with a bright future ahead of you.
• I love to see your smiling face and how happy you are. I love the beautiful woman you are becoming. You make me proud every day that I am your dad and I can’t wait to see what amazing things you will achieve in your future. No matter what, know that I will always love and support you.
• As you move on in life, never forget to always be yourself. I have loved you every step of the way, and am so proud of all you have accomplished. Keep striving for the stars, knowing that I will support you always. I love you, my beautiful daughter.
• Our laughs, our tears, Our memories, Our smiles, Our love. The time has gone so fast. Never too late to say that I’m proud of you. You’re an angel sent from above. I love you more than the stars in the sky.

Motivation Letter from Dad to Daughter
• Liv, I’m so proud of you for working hard and serving others. Not a day goes by that your kindness and compassion don’t inspire me. I hope you know that I am always there for you, no matter what. I encourage you to keep pushing forward with your dreams. I love you and so proud to call me your dad!
• I just want you to know how much I love you. You are truly a gift from God. Never, ever let the size of your dreams limit the amount of heart you are willing to put behind them. Learn from my mistakes and never settle for being less than the very best. You are much wiser than I was at your age, please use your wisdom to make wise decisions. You are already an amazing young lady and I know that you will continue to do great things with your life.
• My greatest accomplishment is you. You are the fulfillment of my dreams. When I look at you or think of you, I remember the day we first met. It’s still vivid in my mind as though it were yesterday. As a father, I find myself so proud of you and how far you have come. Rest assured that your problems will pass by like clouds on the horizon—giving way to brighter skies. Nothing can shake the love and support I feel for you!
• You are my little girl and I love you. You are the smartest, most beautiful creature that I have ever seen. You will accomplish many things in your life and we will be so proud of you. We will be proud even when you mess up, and believe me you’re going to make mistakes. But that’s okay!
• Hi my little sunshine. I know you are going to have a great day sharing love and gifts with the ones you love. I am sending this to you because I want you to remember that your dad loves you more than anything in the world. Sometimes I just want to hold you and never let go, but then you would be sad because I would be gone forever. Don’t be afraid of your imagination because it is the key to happiness and good memories, so use it every day.
• You are strong and fierce, passionate and independent, physically and mentally tough. I want you to know you are protected from EVERYTHING as long as you stay this way and never back down from a challenge. I wish I could protect you from heartbreak and pain and sadness but that’s not in my hands but your own. And I want to say thank you for being so strong at such a young age, your strength is inspiring.
• To my precious daughter: Words cannot express the joy you bring me. I am so proud of you. Thank you for choosing me to be your father. You are my pride and joy, the light of my life. I want to be the best father and role model possible for you. I hope that one day you will read this letter and smile, remembering the love we shared.
• My dearest daughter, be strong, stand tall, and be visible. Know that I am here standing next to you, behind you, and ready to help you. There will be days that you will have doubts about yourself but every time you feel them call me and I will remind you of all the things that I see in you. I am so proud of who you are and what you stand for. The world needs you to be the best person that you can be.
• My daughter, I am writing you this letter today to tell you that you mean the world to me. You are my sunshine on a rainy day. The star in my sky at night. I love seeing your face when I wake up and bidding you goodbye at night before bed. I tell you these things so you know I love you and to help drive these feelings in your heart. I know someday you are going to need to hear them again. I hope I am not there, but if
• There was never anything in my life as important to me as you are. It is every wish of mine, that you grow up to be a good and successful person. I am proud to be your dad and I know one day you’ll make me even prouder. I love you, Dad.
+*+• Hey baby girl. Don’t be afraid to chase your dreams as I have always dreamed of you following yours. Every time I fell short of my own dreams, I would think of you and now know I did it for you. I was determined to do everything in my power for you to have a better life than mine. I don’t want to see any tears fall from your gorgeous face, so stay strong and prove them all wrong! Remember how the moonlight would splash across the earth. You are beautiful.
• You are my daughter and I am your guide on this amazing adventure called life. When you are feeling lost and alone, I want to be there to uplift your spirit. When you are down, with no way out, I want to bring you hope for the future. My little one, you have so much to offer the world. A wonderful heart, a beautiful smile, and love that is unending. You can do anything that you set your mind to.
• I love you with everything I have, there is nothing on this earth that could ever take away my love for you. You are a beautiful and amazing human being and I’m honored to be your father. Your happiness means more to me than anything else in the world. If I could choose anyone in the world to be, I would choose you every time.
• I am so proud of you. I know you have special gifts that you will use to make a positive difference in this world. I am very confident you will go above and beyond. You are a beautiful person both inside and out. I love the way you think, the way you look at life, and the way you love with all your heart even when it’s not deserved. You have so much potential to do extraordinary things and I know it will be the best journey of your life
• Sometimes I don’t say it enough, I hope this letter motivates you to always stay positive and never stop believing in yourself. I love you!
• There is not a day that goes by where I don’t think about you. Where I don’t wish that I could see you today, but mostly that you were safe and happy. These moments are hard, but somehow, they seem to touch my heart even more deeply as the years go on. One thing I always try to remember is how blessed I am to have had the opportunity to be your father. I loved you so incredibly much and while your life was short this world was
• As you start college, I’m sure there will be times of doubt and times where you just don’t know what you want to do. You can always call me. I’ll answer the phone, I promise. Just remember that I love you unconditionally and nothing could ever change that.