100+ Exceptional Love Letters for Him


Love Letters for Him: A love letter is a very valuable thing to express your feelings and emotions of love. Writing a love letter is not an easy task it needs lots of effort and skills too. There are many people who do not know how to write a good love letter to someone they love. They think that they know everything in the world.

If you have a lover and want to express your deep feelings then you need to write some love letters for him or her. Well, Love Letters for Him are helping very much in making your feeling clear before your mate or beloved one.


Love Letters for Him

  • You are the most amazing boyfriend a girl could ask for, and I am so lucky that you are mine. You make me so happy and I am so glad to have you in my life. Thank you for everything that you do! Your love is more precious than gold.


  • I am spellbound by your kiss, under the spell of your embrace. I’m bewitched by your cute warm smile and beautiful eyes that tease me with their joy. I love you more than I can say, but will try to at least tell you every day.


  • Having you in my life is a true blessing. You make me happy, care for me, and always listen to anything I have to say. I have never been this happy in a relationship before. I love you so much.


  • You deserve to hear how much I love you every single day. I want nothing more than to make you happy. You mean the world to me. You are my everything, and I can’t imagine life without you in it.


  • Memories of you are etched into my mind. It’s just a simple glance that gives me the butterflies and makes me weak in the knees. You mean everything to me. The time we spend together is so precious and I never want it to end.


  • babe, you’re the best person I know. I don’t know what I would do without you. you’ve helped me through so much in my life and I’m so grateful that we’ve found each other. your happiness is my happiness. I love you more every day.


  • Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing great! I’m happy with our relationship, it feels so right. It took me so long to get used to the idea of this new relationship, but now I know that this is exactly what I need and want.


Love Letters for Him That Make Him Cry

  • You are amazing! You are caring, funny, kind and so much more. I am so glad that we found each other. I love you more than you know! Never forget how lucky you are to have me in your life. I love you with all my heart and soul.


  • You bring me more joy than I could ever imagine. I don’t know how I would go on without you. I am so happy that we found each other, and that you are in my life. Your smile makes my heart melt and your hands make me feel so safe.


  • Dearest, I am so very lucky to have you in my life. Each day that goes by I loves you more and more. I appreciate all that you do for me and all the sacrifices you make for us. You are the best boyfriend in the world!


  • I thought that I would never meet someone like you. You are the most amazing guy I have met so far and all I can do is love you. I picture my future with you in it and nothing else.


  • You are the only one for me, my soulmate for life. You once asked me what I loved about you and like always I had no words to say, instead, I pulled you close and I kissed you. Your kiss took my breath away and I knew then just how much you mean to me.


  • you are so amazing, my life is better now that I met you. You are a perfect person in my eyes. I love the way you make me feel, the way you look at me, and the way your smile lights up my world.


  • And our love just keeps growing and growing. I can’t wait to see what the future may hold for us. And all of those plans we have for our future will always be grounded on one thing… Our love. You are a phenomenal man, and I promise to love you with my heart and soul forever.


  • I’ve never felt like this before. You are the love of my life and I can’t stand to be away from you even for a moment. I love you more than anything in this world and I don’t know what I would do without you by my side. You are my happiness, my smile, and my whole world. You are the reason why I wake up every morning.


  • You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You treat me like a queen and I can’t help but fall more in love with you every single day. I can’t think of a longer sentence than this, but I could never stop saying, “I love you.”


  • My darling, I’m so thankful to finally have you in my life. I know things haven’t been easy up until now, but they are a million times better with you at my side. You’re the man that gives me butterflies and sends shivers down my spine.


  • You mean everything to me. You’re the one person I can trust, the person I have fun with, the person who will go to sleep next to for the rest of my life. I am so happy that God brought you into my life and I am so lucky that you are mine.


  • You are the definition of perfection. To me, you are perfect in every way, and I love everything about you. You make every bad day better and every good day great. I see a future with you and only you by my side.


Love Letters for Him From the Heart

  • Hi handsome, I hope you are doing good. I love you so much, please don’t ever forget that. I am thinking about you all day and night. I just can’t stop thinking about how wonderful my life is with you.


  • Your love is what keeps me going. Whenever I have a bad day I look at you and I know that no matter what the future holds, everything will be okay. You are my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate.


  • My darling, sweetie pie, I love you from the bottom of my heart and I hope you know it. When I am with you, the days and nights fly by because all I want to do is be near you kiss your sweet lips and touch you.


  • I saw you from across the room, and I was hooked. I had to get to know you. Every day with you is better than the last. You are my one true love; you are my soulmate. I never imagined how much I could love someone until we met.


  • I am always trying to find the right words to show you how I feel. Every time I say “I love you”, it is because it was the right thing to say at that moment. Every time I hold you, it is because I can’t stand to let go.


  • I love you more than the stars in the sky and sea. You bring light and happiness to my life and make me feel like I’ve found my one true soul mate. Thank you for being so wonderful.


  • When I first met you, I thought there was no way that we would be together. Our lives were so different and there were so many things in your life that I didn’t agree with. But over time you grew on me, and I grew on you.


  • With each passing day, I grow more in love with you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can’t imagine life without you. I would do anything for you, and the same goes for me. You have made me a better person in every way possible. I never want to lose you again.


  • Two years ago on the 11th day of the 11th month, I joined a very elite group. I married my best friend, my love, and my soulmate. I am so happy to spend my life with you. Our journey is just beginning and I can’t wait to grow old with you!


  • I don’t remember how I got to where I am today, but I cherish and love this journey. We are like two little gears of a watch, moving around together and meshing because we fit each other perfectly.


I Love You Letters for Him From the Heart

  • To the most amazing and loving person in the world My love, I am so happy that you are mine. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have someone as caring and kind as you. I just want to hold you close to me forever and never let go.


  • My love for you is unconditional. I will do anything and everything to make you smile. Every time your face comes into view I feel waves of joy because I get to see the love of my life.


  • You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!


  • I love you so, so much. I get butterflies when I see you, and when you speak to me my heart skips a beat. I have never felt this way about anyone and it confuses me sometimes! You are my world and the reason I wake up every morning.


  • I love you so much! You are my dream come true. Every day with you is another day of joy! You are a light in my life and I am forever thankful for you. I love our late-night talks and I love how you brighten up my day.


  • I know a love like ours doesn’t just happen, it takes two special people to create it. Life is so much more interesting with you in my life. I will never let any harm come your way. The thought of anything ever happening to you makes me want to cry. I love you so much, baby!


  • I have been with guys before, but I have never loved anyone as I love you. You are so handsome, you look sexy in anything. I love the way my heart flutters when you text me, or even just when I hear your voice on the phone.


  • I love you. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my life, my one and only. Thank you for being everything I could ever ask for. I wanted to say these things because they are true, because I love you and want you to stay with me forever, and because of all the wonderful times we have shared.


  • I can’t even put into words all the love I feel, so this letter will have to do. You are always on my mind and I wish there was a way to show you how much you mean to me. Have a great weekend!


  • You are my rock that I can stand on and lean on. You can always make me laugh, even when it’s not the best time for it. We have been through a lot together and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you!


  • I cannot imagine my life without you! You mean the world to me and I wouldn’t be who I am today without you by my side. The feelings I have for you are unreal, but the most amazing feeling of all is the feeling that we are a team: we have each other’s backs through thick and thin.


  • I Love You. I’m pretty sure you already knew that and possibly didn’t need me to tell you, but it’s taken me a little while to realize it… and now I can’t help but let the world know.


Love Letter for Him Long Distance

  • I love you! I know that people say that all the time, but for us it’s true. You mean so much to me and I hope that one day we can spend our lives together. I promise to make you smile every day and show you just how much you mean to me.


  • Hey baby, I can’t believe it’s been a year since I last said I love you. It feels like just yesterday we were laying on the naked beach together. We had a lot of fun together and I miss u so much. Don’t ever forget that I love you more than anything in this universe .and I will wait for you as long as it takes till I’m with u again.


  • Dearest, my love for you burns brilliantly yet softly. It is always there, just below the surface, waiting to be ignited again. I may sometimes get caught up in the everyday doldrums of life, but when I think about us together I can’t help but smile.


  • You are my angel. I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to spend any more time with anyone else, but you. The love that I feel for you is as deep as the oceans and as big as the sky.


  • I love you, Nate! I love being around you, listening to you, and talking coherently with you. I just love that you exist. I love your face, eyes, the shape of your smile, your hair, the details in your tattoos; everything.


  • You are my life partner and I would be lost without you. Every day you make my life better in so many ways. I am lucky to have you in my life. You mean the world to me. There’s no one else that could take your place.


  • I miss you every second that we are apart. I have never been so much in love with another person. Your smile is the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thought on my mind when I go to bed. My whole world freezes when we’re not together, but somehow everything still turns out okay once I’m back in your arms again.


  • I know that you’re far from me, I cannot be with you yet, but my heart is with you wherever you are. distance never separates two hearts that care about each other because in the very essence of distance there is a kind of closeness and it takes a minute to remember how far away you are but it only takes a second to remember how much you are cared for


  • I remember when we first moved in together. I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to keep the house clean enough for my man. Though you do make a big mess after dinner time, your presence brings me so much comfort and joy. I love you more than anyone in the universe.


  • Last night I had the most wonderful dream. In my dream, we were on a beautiful island somewhere far away from reality. The ocean breeze was blowing, you were holding my hand, and there were only the two of us.


Loving You Sweet Romantic Letters for Him

  • Our love is better than ever. You are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I adore you. I fall more in love with you every day and I just can’t stop smiling when you are around. Thank you for always being there for me and for making me laugh.


  • I could never ask for a better boyfriend. You are very sweet and caring, and I love you. Every day with you, I have 2 smiles. You make my heart beat faster, my face glow, and my eyes sparkle like a million diamonds. I love you with all my heart!


  • You make me smile when I’m sad. You kiss me when I’m down, and laugh with me when I’m hurt. Our love can’t be beaten, the best there is. In your life, I have a special place, and in my heart, you hold the key. You are my only love, forever will it be.


  • You are the only person that has completely and utterly captured my heart. I love you more every day. My love for you will never fade and it is so strong that it inspires me to be a better man.


  • I love how you make me feel. I love how you smile, how you laugh, your kind nature, and your beautiful heart. You are my dream come true!


  • I will always love you more than anyone could ever imagine. You have given me so much that I don’t know where to start. I promise to be by your side through thick and thin, and I love every beautiful moment we have together.


  • I love you so much my heart aches every time I see you. Our future together is great and the moments we share to make me forever thankful for the two of us and what life has brought forth from those few simple words three years ago today.


  • I have to be honest, I was a little skeptical about love at first. You see, you weren’t my first relationship or even my first ever kiss. But when you look into the eyes of another person, it becomes very clear that they are right there with you at that moment and everything is ok.


Long Love Letters to Write to Him for Him Form My Heart

  • I know I’m not the best yet I still long to see you happy and content. I hope we can always be together just like now. You are such a good man I should reward you somehow. You deserve so many things but everything you need is here with me and my love for you!.


  • I will always be by your side. I will always stay faithful to you in every way. I love you more than anything, more than anyone, and more than I could ever explain. My love for you is so much that it hurts and this letter is only a small portion of how much I love you!


  • I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the reason I get up every morning and face another day. No matter what life throws at us, we will always have each other. I love you now and forever!


  • You are a wonderful person and I just want you to know that I consider myself to be extremely lucky to have you in my life. I am thankful for you every day. You make me laugh, you help me when I need it.


  • You’re such an amazing person. I feel like I’m the luckiest girl to have you in my life. You make me feel so much love and happiness. Even though we only started going out a couple of months ago, I still love you very much. I can hardly stop thinking about you!


  • I can’t wait to see you tonight. I’m going to make it all about you, just because I love you so much. I would do anything for you. You are the love of my life.


  • I love you, my darling husband. I am happier than I ever thought possible because of you. I don’t know why we thought we needed to wait for marriage to begin our lives together (together as a couple). We have already begun our journey…a journey that I never want to end.


  • I never thought I could find someone who would make me want to be a better man. Now, after being with you, I can honestly say I never will. You are my best friend and the love of my life. You always seem to know just how to brighten my day with your words and actions.


Inspirational Love Letters for Him

  • I miss you. A lot. We used to be inseparable, but now I am in my little world and nothing compares to your love. I just want to hug you and feel your warm body against me. Even after all this time I still think about you every day. My love for you will never fade.


  • I just want you to know how much my sweet, kind and thoughtful boyfriend means to me. Thank you for the most wonderful year of my life and I can’t wait to share many more with you. You are my best friend and I love you so much!


  • I love you, my friend. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you put a bounce in my step! I appreciate your loyalty, your integrity, and the fact that you are family-oriented. We share our precious moments, build new memories and create an unbreakable bond of love.


  • I can’t believe that you are mine! You make my life complete. Adore you! I love how your eyes light up when we talk, and how you kiss me when we say goodbye. Every little thing about you makes me fall more in love every day. I want to be with you always!


  • To my dearest husband. I always knew that you would be the sweetest, kindest, most passionate man in the world, and I have to say that you have not disappointed me at all! Every day we spend together is an amazing adventure, and every hug and kiss is a wonderful memory.


  • Thank you for everything you do. You are the greatest man I have ever known. My life would be truly empty without you. Every day I am so thankful for you, for your love, for being my life partner and best friend.


  • The more I speak with you, the more in love I become. There is so much that I love about you. You are such a wonderful boyfriend. I can’t imagine my life without you. You are the one for me, my soulmate and best friend.


  • You always have a smile in your eyes, a warmth in your touch. From the first moment I saw you, it felt as if I were home. You were everything good and pure, helping me to see the good in the world even though all the horrible things.


  • The day we met I was so nervous to talk to you, but soon after the conversation flowed so naturally from my lips. I wanted so badly to tell you how I felt about you but I held back because I didn’t want to sound too needy and clingy.


  • Just wanted to remind you that I love every single thing about you! From the crazy way you walk to the cute little noises, you make when you sleep, to your beautiful blue eyes…I love everything about you


  • I am sending this to you because I need you more than ever. I’m going to have a baby and need your love and support. Please hurry home.


A Happy Birthday Love Letter to Him

  • Since the day I met you I knew that you were special. You were brave, funny and a little bit crazy. It’s crazy to think that we have been together for almost a year! I loved your ever since the first moment we met and hope to create many more memories together.


  • I hope that this birthday brings a lot of happiness to you. You deserve it because you are such a wonderful person inside and out. I love that no matter what is going on your attitude is always positive and sure to make someone smile.


  • No matter how many times I see you or call you, or even when we are apart – I still smile. I just can’t stop thinking about my silly, amazing boyfriend! I’m so lucky to have met you and that you love me too!


  • May you have a wonderful birthday filled with tons of special moments. I look forward to celebrating with you and sharing your day! Love always.


  • No matter how old we get, you will always be my little boy. I love you so much and am so proud of the person you have become.


  • Happy birthday to my best friend, my partner in crime, the man of my dreams, I love you so much!


  • I hope you have the happiest birthday ever! I can’t believe it’s already your birthday; you’re growing older each day. Every year you are getting better, wiser, and stronger. I want to thank you for being in my life and making me a better person.


Love Letters to Turn Him On

  • You are the lover of my heart, and even though I have only known you for a short time you have changed my world. I love being with you, no matter what we are doing I enjoy every second of it. We laugh together and smile from ear to ear.


  • Darling, you are sweet perfection. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. For that reason, I feel like our love is as strong and right as it will ever be. I can only imagine how much better it will get with age.


  • I’m not sure what to say, this is all so new to me. I’ve never been in love before and I guess it has taken me a little by surprise. There’s something very different in the way that you look at me, almost as if I was all you could see.


  • Sweetheart, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so glad you found your way into my life. You are everything I have ever wanted and more. You make me smile when I am down, and you hold me when I get hurt. You fill my days with joy and my nights with passion. We were made for each other!


  • You are the best boyfriend I could ever want. You treat me better than any man before and you make every moment special. I love your sweet smile and the way you laugh.


  • I appreciate all the hard work you’ve put into this relationship – thank you so much for sticking with me! I love you.


  • I don’t know what I did to deserve you. You have always been there for me when I needed you the most. You are my rock, my love, and my soul mate.


  • Hun, I know you were joking when you told me to write down what I love about you, but I’d be lying if I said that’s not exactly what I did. You’re beautiful, smart, funny, talented, and just perfect in every single way.


Short Love Letters Him

  • Love letters are a wonderful way to remind your guy just how much you love him and to make him feel as though you are right there by his side even when you aren’t. They can be a great way to let him know that he is on your mind, even if you can’t be with him.


  • Hey baby, I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I have put off writing this letter for so long, but it’s something that I should have said from the beginning. You are the only one for me and I am excited to see where our lives take us together.


  • You are the most amazing man! You’re sweet and kind, thoughtful and intelligent. You’re generous and thoughtful, you love your family and friends and you love me. I am so lucky to have you in my corner, helping me make it through the tough times and celebrating with me during the good ones.


  • I am so happy I met you, but even happier to have you in my life. You are the most amazing person and I’m glad we get to face the future together. If I had the chance to live my life all over again I would choose you every time.


  • You are handsome and you always know what to say. You can brighten up my day anytime. You keep me on the edge of my seat and I just can’t get enough! I love you from the bottom of my heart.


  • Every time I see you I smile. You’re amazing! Thank you so much for accepting all of me. You are my precious gift and I will love you always.


  • You teach me how to be the best version of myself. You’ve shown me that I have it in me to go after what I want and work hard to get it. You are seriously the best thing that ever happened to me, and I hope we’ll be together forever.


  • Dear baby, I’m in love with you. And a better time than now would not have been made for me. Thank you for making me happy.


  • I like you. You are amazing and I love being around you. Every time I see you I can’t stop smiling. You are my knight in shining armor!


  • I love you more than I love my puppy, I love the way you call me to kitten, and I miss the times we were kids. I love you and no one could ever change that, not even time.

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