Babies are a precious gift from God, as a parent, we are so happy to have a child of our own, a baby needs care, love, and prayers. We have composed some beautiful prayers for new born baby to help you seek that divine help that only comes from God.
My Prayers for New Born Baby from (Mother)
• My lovely baby, may God guide and protect you always, may your heart desires all come true, may you always help others, and let others help you. May you be a shining star in this world; you will always be on the top, forever blessed.
• Oh Lord thank you for this beautiful baby, may you grow up to live a righteous life, may the truth guide you always, your life will be filled with love and light, may you always be strong and courageous in all you do. You shall always be victorious, Amen.
• My beautiful baby, may you succeed in all you do, your hands will do great things, may your life be solid and amazing, may you experience only joyful changes, and may your heart be filled with love and happiness.
• My adorable baby, at every step of your life may Almighty God strong arms hold and assist you, caring hearts shall assist you, and love will always follow you.
• Dear Lord, you’ve chosen this beautiful day as my baby birthday, thank you for bringing me this far and making my delivery easy. Oh God, I’m grateful for your love, I pray my baby life is filled with your goodness, Amen.
• My adorable baby, may you never experience anything that will give you a reason to be anxious in life, may your heart be filled with motivation, and not fear. You shall live a life of peace and heavenly favors, Amen.
• Almighty God may you will be done in my life, thank you for blessing me with this baby, may this baby be a blessing and treasure to the world, Amen.
• Oh Lord, please grant Me and my baby all that’s needed to live a good and peaceful life. Lord let my child brings joy, happiness, and good luck to me and my family. I promise to do everything well in training this child to be a responsible person, so help me God.
• Lord thank you for blessing me with this amazing child, it’s a miracle to me, I cherish this baby with all my heart. I pray you to bless this baby with a humble and selfless heart.
• God I give all thanks to you, I am amazed at the wonder of this new baby that is in the world because of your favor upon my life, Lord I glorify your name. I pray you bless this child with everything he/she will need to lead a good life.
• Oh Lord bless my baby, bless my baby heart and soul. You’ve brought my baby into this life pure, fresh, and innocent. May I be able to provide all that’s needed in this journey as a parent.
• Almighty God, guide my baby to the path of knowledge, light and make the path smooth and easy-going, keep supporting and protecting us. May we always feel and receive your divine blessings.
• Oh Lord you’ve blessed me with this baby, I pray you to guide me in raising this child to be an amazing and marvelous person in life, may we be full of happiness as we spend our life, bless us with good health, good news and wonderful surprises.
• I’m grateful for this beautiful baby you’ve blessed me with, this child will represent greatness in this life. May this child bring blessings and good luck to everyone around him, Amen.
• Oh Lord bless me with strength, give my baby a lovely and enduring heart, keep me healthy and safe. Watch over my baby at all times.
• Almighty God, great joy fills my heart for the beautiful baby you have blessed me with, I give all adoration and glorification to you, with a happy and thankful heart. I’m grateful for this little life you’ve blessed me with.
• Oh Lord, you are the only source of life, you’ve given me the power to strive and achieve good things. Lord thank you for blessing me with this lovely new baby, without your name nothing would exist. I pray you to guide and protect my baby, may he/she be a good and loveable child, a child of light, Amen.
• Dear Lord, I pray you to bless and protect my baby; he/she will never experience hate and evil. Oh Lord perfects the life of my baby as he grows, guides,s and protects him all through his/her life. Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful and amazing baby.
• Almighty God, I pray for your protection, you’ve blessed me with a lovely baby, I pray you to perfect the life of my baby. Lord, please be my baby strength in life, may this baby always stay happy, never let go of the hand of my baby. Lord, please keep protecting me and my baby, I’m grateful for the life of this baby.
• Almighty God, thank you for giving me this lovely and cute baby. I pray this baby be a better person in life, may this baby gain so much in life, starting from this period. Lord, I’m thankful for everything.
• My lovely baby, you shall be a blessing to me and the universe, may all the favors of God Almighty touch your life today and forever. May the angels guide and protect you in all you do, Amen.
• Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with someone so lovely, adorable, precious to love and care for. I pray for all the good things in life for you my lovely child, may your light never go off, you will always shine even in your sleep…good luck will always follow you wherever you go, your blessings will never stop coming, Amen.
• My beautiful baby, may you always walk with light, you will always get what you want, may God’s angel guide and support you.
• A newborn baby brings so much happiness to the house, you shall be a great child, you will never lack in life, I pray you get the best of everything. May God guide you all through your life, Amen.
Prayers for New Born Baby
• Thank you Lord for giving me all that I want in life, thank you for blessing me with this bouncing baby, strong and healthy. I pray you to provide reasons for this baby to stay happy and cheerful in life, may my baby life be wonderful and bright, Amen.
• Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of this new life and safe delivery, I pray you to bless my baby with good health, prosperity, and wisdom.
• God Almighty, I pray you to make the path of my baby easier, Lord, make me stronger and healthier every day, O Lord give my baby strength and make his/her life a beautiful one.
• Oh Lord thank you for all you’ve given me, I pray you to make my baby live bright and amazing, my baby shall be a child of wonders and greatness, Amen.
• Almighty God you have blessed me with all the things I cherish and want, make the life of my baby fulfilling my baby will never lack in anything, her life will be beautiful and filled with amazing colors.
• Oh Lord, thank you so much for this new life whenever I look at my baby, I see your miracles and blessings in my life. Thank you for making me witness this lovely miracle, I pray you guide and make this baby grow into a loveable person.
• Sleep my beautiful baby, your guardian angel will guide and protect you always, rest well all through the night..I will watch over you, you are my joy giver I love you so much. May Almighty God make you a victorious and respectful child, Amen.
• Lord, bless my baby in every aspect of his life, may you always guide my baby in times of need, in all I pray for a good life for my baby.
• Almighty God thank you for blessing me with a wonderful baby, I pray my baby grows up to be an amazing person…Lord bless my baby so that happiness with remain constant in his life, I want my baby to stay happy forever.
• Oh God, bless my baby, may this child be a star in life..may he/she succeed in everything in life, I ask that the baby grow to be gentle and kind-hearted, Amen.
• Dear Lord, today I want to ask you to favor my baby in life, bless and guide my baby. Protect this baby from the evil of this world, happiness shall continue to follow my baby.
• Almighty God I pray for the well being of I and my baby, as I seek blessing and guidance for my baby. Protect us from everything bad.
• Oh Lord, I ask that you guide this lovely and little life, let this baby grow into a godly and righteous person, a person that will always preach love and light. Lord this baby is important in my life, I pray you to bless my baby with great and bright destiny, may you protect him always, Amen.
• Oh Lord thank you for this lovely baby, I pray for inner peace and good health, may this baby sleep peacefully and calm, no harm shall befall this child. Lord help me in making all the right decisions concerning this baby, guide me in bringing up this child. Thank you for everything.
• Almighty God, I pray that I and my baby always stay close to you in life, Lord help this child grow into a humble person..I ask that this child keep a close and amazing relationship with you.
• Dear God, thank you for changing the lives of me and my husband, blessing us with this lovely baby is wonderful, I’m forever grateful for your goodness in our lives, I pray for a bright future for this child. Lord because you’ve blessed me with this child, I pray you guide and assist me in the upbringing of this baby, Amen.
• Oh Lord you are the reason this beautiful baby is existing, thank you for life, Lord thank you for all your love and guidance, I pray my baby to grow and find comfort in your words, Amen.
• Almighty God, though, the world is tough and hard, I pray my child never face any difficulty, Lord protects this child and makes him/her safe in your powerful arms, no evil will befall the life of my baby. Amen.
• Oh Lord, my baby is astonishing and great. I pray you to give me the strength to always love and provide all the necessary things needed in taking care of this child, God bless me with knowledge so I can stay responsible and be a vigilant parent.
• Almighty God, it’s amazing seeing my own baby. I’m still in awe, thank you for the safe delivery of this little life. Lord, you are so good to me, I’m grateful for everything, you’ve given me this baby and I promise to love and care for this baby with all my heart. I pray you bless me with good health, so I can care well for this child.
• Oh Lord help me to always have your knowledge so that I can train this baby in a fruitful way, a way of righteousness. Thank you for this baby’s life.
• Almighty God, thank you for blessing me with this precious and innocent baby, Lord, help me in keeping this baby safe and healthy…your love is all I want in the life of me and my baby, protect my baby from any danger no matter how little it’s. You are the God of goodness, love, blessing, and protection and I pray that you watch this baby’s life in your mighty and powerful protection.
• Oh Lord, this baby you’ve blessed me with is the joy of my life, so marvelous and precious. I promise to love and cherish this baby, Lord I pray that my child progress in everything good in life, this baby will grow up and do great things, Amen.
• Almighty God, bless me with wisdom so I can make the right decision that will give this baby a good and beautiful life, make him or her live a life that you would be proud of, Lord makes him/her stable mental health good and balance. Lord also provides me with the strength and love to guide this baby.
• Oh Lord, I might not know about the future but you know everything both what we can see and the unseen, Lord I seek for your mercy in the life of my baby. I pray that this child gets closer to you every single day of his/her life, may he/she find great joy and happiness when he/she calls on your name, Amen.
Prayers for New Born Baby from (Friends and Family)
• Your star shine is here, may the Lord bless the baby for you.
• The baby is cute; I seek God’s protection over him/her all through his/her life.
• The joy of having a new baby is enormous; I pray that God’s love abides in his/her heart.
• I pray that the heavenly father blesses and guards the baby for you.
• Babies are a little angel from heaven, I asked Heavenly Father to make him/her a wonderful child for you.\
• I wish the new baby love and care from heaven.
• Your baby brings joy to your heart, we are grateful to the Lord for the precious gift, may the Lord bless the child and support you and him/her.
• May God’s love shine in your heart and your baby’s heart, keeping you safe in God’s mighty hand, happy motherhood.
• Today and forever, I pray for God’s protection for your child and you, so happy for you.
• May the Lord keep the baby in good health; protect him/her, and make him/her a joy for your heart, congratulations.
• The baby is a bundle of joy from heaven, may the Lord shroud her heart with his divine love, keep eyes on her.
• Motherhood is beautiful, so happy for you on the birth of your baby boy, wishing him God merciful love and care.
• Lord this baby reflects your joy in my heart, bless her and protect her for me.
• Lord thank you for love and care for me and my new baby, make her a beautiful child that would cheer my heart.
• Lord this child is a favor and blessing from you, I seek your help in caring for the child.